Welcome to Life of an Earth Muffin, the place where every eco-conscious person can find useful information, tips, advice, and inspiration for transforming their typical daily routines into sustainable, low waste lifestyles!

The author and founder of Life of an Earth Muffin, Jenna, started her own sustainable journey back in May of 2018. Jenna is a self-proclaimed earth muffin and grew up on the East Coast before relocating to the Midwest in high school. Jenna went to the University of Michigan for both her BBA and Masters of Accounting, but loves to share her passion of sustainability on her free time. When she isn’t working 9-5 as a CPA or sharing her eco-friendly tips with her readers, you can often find Jenna at the thrift store or reading a new book from the library. Unlike other bloggers in the sustainability sphere, she hopes to show that you are ALREADY on a path towards eco-friendly living. Small changes and tweaks to your lifestyle are all that are needed!
What is an “Earth Muffin”?
Growing up in New England, Jenna’s family coined the term “earth muffin” to describe those in town who were known to care about the environment. Urban Dictionary describes it in this way: “Environmentally conscience, socially aware, recycles when she can, prefers organic or natural products, and will drive out of the way to support mom and pop before large consumer corporations. She’s a modern hippy but also has a practical side. She’s cute, showers regularly, and encourages others to do the right thing without being judgmental or critical.“
An “Earth Muffin” is environmentally conscious, attempts to live as sustainably as possible, and prefers a simple lifestyle to one heavily influenced by the throw-away culture of our modern age. Anyone who cares about the planet can be a muffin, so come join our family!
By joining this community you are changing the world and saving the planet, one crumb at a time. Thanks for stopping by!
Jenna ♥