bookmark_border5 Zero Waste Sunscreens for the Summer 🌞

Hey earth muffins! With the summer months comes lots of sun which leads to many sunburns (for me) if I’m not careful. 😬 I am about to use up the last of the aerosol sunscreens I had tucked away in my bathroom… That made me think – are there zero/low waste alternatives? And I found that there are a TON of products on the market that have a much smaller impact on the environment. As I assume you won’t want to research about this yourself, I compiled a list of 5 sunscreens you should give a try! 😃

1. Taylor’s Elevated – SUN! Natural Sunscreen ($11.99, 2 oz., SPF 30)

This product is not just all-natural, it comes in a glass container that is completely plastic-free (which is perfect since it is Plastic Free July!!). The sunscreen is also made in the US, which is perfect for any of my domestic followers. 😊

2. Butterbean Sunscreen ($12.50, 3 oz., SPF 30)


While this brand is targeted towards babies and kids, there is no reason why an adult can’t use a nice zero waste sunscreen too! For less than double the price, you can get a larger 7 oz. container as well!

3. All Good Water Resistant Zinc Sunscreen ($9.99, 1 oz., SPF 50)

This sunscreen only uses 6 ingredients, which is definitely WAY less than those found in aerosols. The container is fully made out of tin, so it could be reused or recycled once the product is used up. 😊

4. Rare Earth Skincare Sun Cream ($10, 1 oz., SPF 20)

Advertised as a “sun cream”, this sunscreen will not only protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun but will also give your skin the moisture it needs after a nice long day at the beach. This brand has a lot of other great zero waste products, so definitely check out their website!

5. Not the Norm Shade All-Natural Sunscreen ($4.72 USD, 0.5 oz, SPF 25)

Not the Norm’s sunscreen has four different size options and is only made with four ingredients. The product itself is in a tin and is unscented (if that is an important attribute for you!). 🎉

What is your favorite sunscreen in the summer?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderMy Goals for Plastic Free July 💚

Hey earth muffins! As you saw in my last post, I am so excited to participate in Plastic Free July again this year… And it starts today! 😃 I know I have shared easy ways to reduce your plastic usage both last year and this year, but I wanted to add a more personal note by sharing my own goals for this month. 😊 I hope that this post will inspire you to participate in this amazing challenge in any way that you can and keep myself accountable for what I am attempting to do!

Pin to read later! 

When thinking about Plastic Free July as a whole, I wanted to challenge myself to do as much as I can. Because of this, I will be avoiding ALL new plastics throughout the month of July. The “new” is my personal caveat: I am able to use anything plastic (or wrapped in plastic) that I already have in my apartment. This will ensure that I am not wasting the few foods that I have in my fridge that come in plastic or some products in my bathroom… Because being low waste means utilizing everything that you have! 💚 However, this caveat also means that I must find alternatives once they are gone!


Even though I will be trying my best to avoid all new plastics, I am assuming that I will mess up every once and awhile. When this happens, I will be collecting any plastics that I use throughout July… I hope that I will be able to create a nice visual presentation of my plastic waste at the end of this challenge 👍

I also am challenging myself to make my period as zero waste as possible by using a menstrual cup this month. I wrote a post about the Pros and Cons of using a cup and finally decided to use a portion of the first paycheck from my internship to purchase a Lena cup. 😊 I am hoping that trying to collect all my plastic waste will force me to use a menstrual cup and get over my fears!

Buy it from Amazon for only $25!

Lastly, I am challenging myself to raise more awareness about Plastic Free July (and going zero/low waste in general) by posting more on Life of an Earth Muffin’s Instagram. As I post on this blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I will now also be posting on my Instagram every Tuesday and Thursday. Make sure to give me a follow @lifeofanearthmuffin to never miss any of my content! 🎉

What small (or big!) things will you be doing for Plastic Free July???

Jenna ♥

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