Hey earth muffins! Even though my journey towards living a zero waste lifestyle started less than a year ago, I have heard so many misconceptions about being “zero waste” from friends, family, and strangers when I talk about my progress! While this isn’t surprising (as many people aren’t familiar with the concept of living without making waste), I thought it would be informative to share some of
the most common things I have heard to dispel some of the major rumors. 😀 Let’s jump right into it!
1. Most “zero wasters” DO make trash – Being absolutely zero waste is quite the feat, so many people aim to be as zero waste as possible… But yes, this does mean trash is created! And no, this does not mean that people aren’t real or good “zero wasters” if they create some waste. The whole point of the lifestyle is to limit your trash output as much as possible! 👍
2. The mason jar trash can is not ideal for everyone – I have seen so many articles about that one girl/guy in the inner city who is able to fit all their trash from the past twelve years in a mason jar… Good for them (because that is quite the feat!), but that is not the end goal for everyone who calls themselves “zero waste”.
3. Being zero waste is “weird” or people will look at you differently – Again, maybe they will… But I have only been met with positive reactions when I ask for a drink without a straw or bring my own bag into a store. People are generally interested and even excited to learn about what lifestyle I am trying to live. If your friends judge your for trying to help the planet are they truly your friends?
4. You don’t need to throw everything away and buy zero waste alternatives – That is actually quite the opposite of the lifestyle! Many Instagram photos romanticize the collections of zero waste products that a true zero waster should have, but the whole point is to make the belongings you have right now last until they NEED to be replaced. At that point you can then buy into products with the sustainable aesthetic.
5. It takes too much time to be zero waste – It takes time to do anything right? But as soon as you change your habits to be more sustainable, you spend the same amount of time doing the things you have always been doing (minus the endless hours spent retail shopping but that I personally haven’t missed 😉)!
6. The zero waste lifestyle costs more money – I mean, it could be if you make it that way (I guess) but I have found the opposite! From shopping in bulk bins and thrift stores to reducing my spending on clutter in the home, I have saved a bunch of $$$ already.
7. One person being zero waste can’t make a difference – WRONG. Because of my actions my family, friends, and even strangers are more likely to re-think their choices. I’ve seen those around me make small improvements to be more sustainable, and in my eyes, baby steps are still steps! ❤
What other misconceptions have you heard about the zero waste community?
Jenna ♥