Turning Your Home Into An Eco-Friendly Castle

It’s becoming increasingly clear to just about everyone that things can’t continue as they are. If we’re going to leave this planet in a healthy state for future generations, then it’s important that we work to reduce our collective carbon footprint. While the majority of the work needs to come from the corporations that have the biggest negative impact on the earth, we all need to do our bit. While there are many ways to do this, one of the best is to make sure that your home has as minimal an impact as possible. In this post, we’re going to run through some useful tips that’ll transform your home into a bone fide eco castle.

What Are Your Flaws?

Before you can figure out where you want to go, you need to know where you are. At the beginning of your journey, take some time to look at your home and get a general view of how environmentally friendly your house currently is. It might be that it’s not as bad as you thought; or, on the other hand, it could be worse. It doesn’t really matter what the view is – it’s all about learning what needs to change.

Saving Energy

Your home isn’t bad for the environment on its own. That is to say, the four walls and roof are not problematic. It’s the energy, such as the heat, electricity, and water that you pump into your home that does the damage. Of course, you will always need these things. But is your current setup causing energy waste? If you have an old roof, for instance, then a lot of the heat that you put into your home will be lost – and that’s costly for both the earth and your wallet. If that’s the case, then work with a roofing company to have your roof repaired or replaced. It’s also important to check for water leaks and to ensure that you’re conserving electricity wherever possible.

Earth Friendly Yards

You can use your yard to push your home towards being more environmentally friendly, too. For instance, you could consider collecting rainwater, which you can use to water your plants. Another option is to set up a vegetable garden. This will allow you to grow your own food, rather than going to the supermarket. If everyone did that, then the earth would be in much better shape!


You will, of course, want your home to look good. But the problem is that, in doing that, you might end up using a lot of resources. New items always do. So why not take a different approach? There are plenty of second-hand furniture stores where you can buy pre-loved items. If they don’t look exactly as you like, then you could get out the paintbrush and give them a style that you do like. We talk about furniture for this approach, but you can do it with anything – there really isn’t much reason to buy new items every time you buy something!

Jenna ♥

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