Hey earth muffins, happy Fat Tuesday! 😃 Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of the Lenten season. I’ve always loved Lent, as it gives me time to reflect on my life and strengthen the areas that I value most. Plus, it means Easter and spring are just around the corner – definitely helps me power through the last few weeks of winter and busy season at work. In today’s post I will be sharing my tips on how you can have a sustainable Lent this year. Let’s jump right into it!

1. Give up something that is not-so-eco-friendly.
It is custom for people to give up something if you celebrate Lent. In the past I have given up things like YouTube, desserts, social media, etc. The season is a time to improve your relationship with God – but also to improve your life as well! It is one thing to give something up for 40 days because your religion tells you to; it is another to choose an unhealthy habit that you want to continue to avoid once Lent is over. I always try to pick something that I know has been hurting my life or my relationship with God – it is easier to force myself to go cold turkey when I have a legit reason to stop doing it altogether! This year, I challenge you to find a not-so-eco-friendly habit of yours and give it up for Lent (and maybe for good). It doesn’t have to be something big; remember, every small change helps!
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