10 Things I Still Buy in Plastic

Hey earth muffins! I think it is fair to say that my eco journey has been a slow one ever since 2018. While I strive to make changes in all aspects of my life, I admit that I still buy some things in plastic. πŸ™ƒ And that is okay! No one is perfect; it’s better to be almost plastic-free than to not try to reduce your plastic at all. Every small step counts and makes a difference! To show what areas I am still working on improving, here is a list of the things I still buy in plastic.

What I Am (Eventually) Going to Stop Buying in Plastic

Toilet paper – When my boyfriend and I moved to a new city this summer, I had plans to make some new eco-improvements to our apartment. Some of these things we were able to do (like switching to powder dishwasher detergent). But, the pandemic really messed up my plans for toilet paper. 😬 I hate that an essential like toilet paper comes with plastic waste – so unnecessary! I’ve heard great things about brands like Who Gives a Crap, so I am hopeful that I can switch to a more sustainable alternative soon. This could also be aided by getting a bidet attachment like I mentioned in my recent wishlist post!

Pads – If you have been following my Instagram, you will know that I recently got into using a menstrual cup for my period. I’m still in the beginner/learning phase of this, so I do use a few pads too. A menstrual cup is a great way to zero waste your period, but for someone who barely used tampons it is an adjustment for sure. I’m slowly getting the hang of it and am hopeful that I will be able to make the switch completely soon!

A picture of the Lena menstrual cup

Chips and snacks – My local bulk store doesn’t have a large selection of bulk snack foods… And now with Mister Corona, the section isn’t even letting you bring in reusable bags. So, I’ve started to buy chips and crackers/other snacks in plastic packaging again. 😣 I am hopeful that this is only a temporary thing!! My pro tip during this time is to buy the biggest size you can, as it will save you plastic in the long run.

Shredded Cheese – After moving to our new apartment, I have been searching for good bulk cheese options…. But I haven’t found any yet. My boyfriend and I buy the largest bag of shredded cheese we can find; it lasts for quite a long time! Hopefully I can find some better options soon.

Vitamins – Mister Corona has helped me get into a habit of taking daily vitamins again. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find any options that aren’t full of plastic at my local grocery stores…. But, I am hopeful that I will be able to find a company that has (at least) a glass bottle. πŸ’Š

What I Will Continue to Buy in Plastic

Face wash – My skin is acne prone and sensitive, so once I find a product that works for me I am not going to switch it. During my masters program, my skin freaked out. It has been a long journey towards finding something that keeps my skin clear; the Mario Badescu Acne Face Cleanser is a literal godsend for me (affiliate link)! Unfortunately, it comes in a plastic bottle. πŸ‘Ž But, their spot treatment comes in a glass bottle which is nice (affiliate link)! I try to remind myself that the rest of my bath products are a shampoo bar and bar of soap. So I shouldn’t feel so bad about one small recyclable bottle!

A picture of Mario Badescu acne facial cleanser

Bread/tortillas – I’ve mentioned in a few posts that I buy my bakery goods from a local Aunt Millie “thrift shop”. These stores sell items that are close to the sell-by date, which means grocery stores won’t take them. I’m usually surprised by how far out some of these dates are! My boyfriend and I store our bread in the freezer anyway; so, there is no reason we shouldn’t buy it from the thrift. I am just putting food waste above plastic, which I don’t feel bad about at all!

Tofu – I’ve been a vegetarian for over a year now, so I obviously eat tofu often. Think of it this way: if I buy meat it usually comes in plastic and has additional environmental effects too. So, tofu seems like the better option in the grand scheme of things!

A picture of cubed tofu

Laundry detergent – I used to use an Eco Egg (affiliate link) for doing my laundry. But, I’ve had to switch back to “normal” laundry detergent because my boyfriend has sensitive skin. He has been using a certain kind for years and anything else will break out his skin… So, I figured I would take one for the team and use that specific kind. Maybe someday we can find a better alternative…

Ibuprofen – Medicine is something I don’t think about often, as I rarely take it. If I need help with cramps or a headache, I will pop some Ibuprofen… Which comes in plastic. Again, I try to buy the largest size possible; but, it is important to think about if you will be able to use all of the pills by the expiration date!

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Jenna β™₯

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  1. This was a very interesting read! I am really trying to reduce my plastic use, but it’s still tough today as literally everything comes with plastic… I still have plastic packaging in my skincare products also (as I saw you mentioned your face wash) and most cosmetics will use plastic packaging – though it’s nice to see paper packaging sometimes, I have a Sephora lip balm right now which is made mostly out of paper/cardbord packaging.
    Every little helps πŸ™‚
    Take care Jenna! x

    Julia x
    Last Post: Cosy Activities To Do At Home This Fall/Winter 🍁

    1. Love that you are still trying to reduce your plastic use! πŸ™‚ I would definitely recommend checking out Clean Faced Cosmetics on Etsy, as they make some awesome zero waste makeup products all packaged in glass or metal! Plus, it is made of much better ingredients too!

  2. I think it’s ok to buy things in plastic packaging since that’s unfortunately how most products are packaged as long as you make an effort to be environmentally friendly when you can. It looks like you’re doing really well there.

    I buy quite a few more things in plastic packaging than this even though I try to avoid it.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

    1. It is great that you are trying to avoid it! Plastic has definitely been my focus throughout this eco-journey, and you would actually be surprised how many alternatives there are once you start looking. πŸ™‚

  3. I think you’re doing the most you can given the pandemic! Now that I think about it; when it comes to no plastic there aren’t any other options as far as T paper, paper towels, hand soap (I mean there’s bar soap but still that’s wrapped in plastic as well) or any of that sort of stuff!

    The whole non reuseable bags thing at grocery stores really had me questioning a TON of things.

    1. I totally agree – it literally hurts me that I can’t bring my reusables to the store right now… I hope that when this pandemic is over America puts a plastic bag tax in place like they do over in Europe. Just think of how many plastic bags we could prevent from being used!

  4. It is wonderful that you are doing everything you can to really limit the plastic you DO have to use still. You are such an inspiration and you get me thinking about things I never would’ve before.

  5. I feel there is no such thing as ZERO waste. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a society that supports or even allows us to achieve complete zero. We need to find the sweet spot in the middle; a balance between doing what we can for the planet, whilst maintaining our own happiness, health and sanity!

    1. I definitely agree! I wrote a whole post a while back about how I will never strive to be fully “zero waste” and why this blog will never be in the “zero waste” niche. So important to strive for a more realistic goal! πŸ™‚

    1. Wouldn’t that be nice?! It’s unfortunate that inidividuals are forced to make these sustainable choices while many corporations do nothing.
      Jenna β™₯

  6. I agree with buying in large bulk so you don’t waste on packaging. It is amazing how much packaging a person can get through. If you can get it out of a packet, I’ll say go for it! The Mario skincare sounds great and I’ve tried the ECO Egg really good. Have a great weekend Jenna : ) xo


  7. I think this is so reasonable–you are being so eco-conscious in most things, but I think giving yourself grace and knowing that you may still have some things that you use plastic for is fine.

    1. Definitely – it is all about keeping that balance, as I don’t think I’d every be able to be fully “zero” waste.
      Jenna β™₯

  8. I think going eco friendly in all areas takes time but you are reducing your use of plastic and that is the main thing to take away! I recycle where it is possible and I am definitely trying to be more conscious about my sanitary products.

    Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts.

    Lauren http://www.bournemouthgirl.com

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