Is Natural Birth Control Still It? My Thoughts 6 Years In

Hey earth muffins! Over the past 6 years(!), I have been on a remarkable journey of self-discovery through natural birth control. While many traditional contraceptive options are available (like the pill, IUDs, etc.), I found that natural methods resonate with my lifestyle better. Over these 6 years I have mastered the basal body temperature and cervical mucus methods; keep reading for all the reasons I continue to embrace these methods after all these years!

Why I Still Love Natural Birth Control:

One of the most significant reasons why I still prefer natural birth control is the empowering connection it has cultivated with my body. Understanding my menstrual cycle and fertility signs has allowed me to recognize the ebb and flow of my hormones, gaining valuable insights into my overall health. This awareness has enabled me to feel more in tune with my body and its needs, fostering a profound sense of self-awareness.

Unlike other birth control methods, which may come with potential side effects, these methods are hormone-free and side effect free. This was particularly appealing to me, as the simplicity and gentleness of natural birth control align with my preference for minimal intervention with my body and its cycle.

As someone who values sustainable living, natural birth control felt like the most eco-conscious choice too. Unlike conventional contraceptives that may generate waste through packaging and disposal, natural birth control methods leave behind no environmental footprint.

My Tips for Those Who Want to Start Using Natural Methods:

  • Take the time to actually understand your chosen methods for at least half a year before you go cold turkey on other methods. Especially for those trying to avoid pregnancy, you need to make sure you fully understand your body and its cycle before relying on natural methods exclusively.
  • I would opt for a basal body thermometer like the Femometer (affiliate link) that has an app. You can totally track your own temps on a paper chart, but it makes it much easier for an app to have all your data. I’ve been using the Femometer for 6 years now and absolutely love it!
  • Keep learning about your chosen method(s)! It definitely isn’t as easy as just popping a pill or going to the doctor for an IUD… But, I think it is worth it to be completely in control of your body and its cycle.
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Remember, natural birth control requires diligence, commitment, and continuous education. I encourage everyone to explore the various natural methods available and consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best fit for their unique circumstances. Have you tried natural methods before??

Jenna ♥

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  1. Personally, my husband and I have used breastfeeding as a natural birth control method for many years and it has worked very well for our family. The distance between each child is natural, without medical intervention or any other methods. My husband and I enjoyed having sex without worrying about pregnancy while breastfeeding regularly. When each child reached a certain age, I became pregnant again. In my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, I never had my period again. Our family currently has 6 daughters (three sets of twin girls): Sofia and Jojo, aged 8 years and 1 month, Anna and Elsa, aged 4 years and 7 months, Maddy and Olife, aged 1 year and 4 months.

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