Nobody wants to share their home with pests. It makes living in your own home unbearable, and it is one of those experiences that everybody wants to avoid as best as they can. But if you are keen to ensure you are not causing the ecological world too much harm, you might want to think about what you can do to humanely get rid of pests in the home. As it happens, it is always possible to do so, as long as you are careful about it and you take the appropriate steps. Let’s take a look at how you can humanely get rid of pests in your own home in the future!

Prevent first
One of the best things to do is to try and keep pests out of the home in the first place. Prevention is always going to be better than the cure, as you can prevent pests coming in without having to cause any harm whatsoever. You can generally prevent most pests by not leaving food lying around. Ensuring you clean the home regularly and keep windows and doors closed helps too. Do all that, and you might never have a pest problem to begin with!
Call in the experts
It is best to ensure you call in the experts to deal with pests if you do have them in the home. If you have a pest that can be removed safely, then the professionals are going to be able to do that humanely. If it is a pest where the only option is to kill them, an expert will be able to do that as harmlessly as possible. Whether it’s a bed bug exterminator or a wasp removal service, it is generally best to entrust it to these people rather than do it yourself, as you might cause more harm than necessary without meaning to.
Use humane traps
Sometimes all you need to do is find and use a humane trap. These trap the animal or insect and then sets them free outside safe and away from the home. This is especially straightforward when it comes to rodents, but less so with some other animals, so it is not always an option. However, there are often humane traps you can use (which you might even be able to find secondhand). A great solution!
Companion Planting
In the garden, you can keep pests away using a process known as companion planting. This simply means that you plant with things which grow with with your plants and detract other pests from eating them. That will reduce the number of pests in the garden, which helps reduce pests in the home too! In this case, you are just encouraging those animals and insects to go elsewhere, rather than causing them actual harm; it is a much more humane way of going about things.
Jenna ♥
These are wonderful suggestions! It is always so hard to know what to do. My husband likes to try to get whatever it is to crawl onto a tissue and then take it outside. But it’s not always possible, so I appreciate these additional ideas!