The BEST Online Quizzes to Discover How Green You Actually Are!

Hey earth muffins! The first step in starting to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle is to figure out how green you are to begin with. This can be challenging to assess – we often see ourselves as more sustainable than we actually are. Just like your favorite Buzzfeed quiz, the following websites allow you to evaluate yourself from another perspective. Let’s jump into the best online quizzes that will help you improve your eco journey!

This first quiz calculates what your carbon footprint is. After entering in information about your household, travel habits, shopping preferences, and even food consumption, this quiz will tell you what your carbon footprint is (as well as showing you how you compare to the “average” person). While it asks for quite specific information, you can use estimates if you need to. However, you will get the best results if you take the time to fill it out as best you can! After calculating your carbon footprint, the website provides you with a list of ways to “Take Action” and reduce your impact on the planet.

More Eco Quizzes to Try!

Another footprint to be mindful of is your water footprint. This means the water you use directly (aka in the shower, doing dishes, etc.) as well as the invisible water that is used by the products you buy/consume. As you answer the questions, a water gauge updates in real time to show how many gallons of water your household uses in a day. Super eye-opening! This quiz has great graphics and makes you think about all of the water you use.

If you are looking for quicker quizzes to evaluate your eco-friendliness, there are plenty. Just search Google for “how eco-friendly am I“; you will find quizzes that have fewer questions and are less specific. These are still good, as they make you think about areas you can work on… And you can take a bunch of them too!

the best online eco quizzes to discover how green you actually are
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If you are looking to improve your sustainable living, there are plenty of online quizzes that can help you evaluate how you are doing so far. Aim to increase your score each year! But, don’t forget that every small change has an impact. Do what you can with the resources you have – you’ll be an earth muffin in no time! 😊 Comment below your favorite eco quizzes!

Jenna ♥

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