How to Leave the House Before Vacation (The Eco-Friendly Way!)

Hey earth muffins! Summer is here, which means it is time for vacations, staycations, and camping/road trips! Going on vacation is a time of relaxation, but it’s essential to consider the environmental impact you leave behind while you’re away. Taking a few eco-conscious steps before you leave the house can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the planet. Here are some tips for leaving your house in an environmentally-friendly manner:

Tips for Leaving Your House with the Lowest Impact:

  • Adjust your thermostat! Set your thermostat to an energy-saving mode or a slightly higher temperature during warmer months and lower temp during colder months. This helps reduce unnecessary energy consumption when you are away.
  • Unplug what you can. Before you leave, unplug all non-essential electronics and appliances. Many devices consume energy even when turned off, so unplugging them helps save electricity and energy use. Remember to turn off lights and ceiling fans too!
  • Reduce your water waste. Ensure all taps are tightly closed before heading out the door. If you have a garden or plants, set up a watering schedule with a timer or ask a neighbor to water them sparingly. You could even turn off all auto sprinklers until you return home instead.
  • Eat up your food before you go! Consume perishable items or give them to neighbors, friends, or family to avoid food waste (or pop them into the freezer until you return!). Empty out the refrigerator as best you can, and turn it to a lower setting before you leave.
  • Properly lock up. Ensure all doors and windows are securely closed and locked to conserve energy and maintain security when you are away. To keep the house a more moderate temperature, shut all the shades to reduce direct sunlight.
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By adopting these eco-friendly practices before you leave the house for vacation, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact. Being mindful of your energy and resource usage not only benefits the planet but also helps save money and foster your sustainable lifestyle. So, embark on your vacation with a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for the beauty of the world, both at home and in the destinations you explore. Where will you be going on vacation this summer??

Jenna ♥

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