bookmark_borderThe BEST Places to Buy Used Books

Hey earth muffins! Reading is one of my favorite pastimes; many people agree with me too! Curling up with a good book is such a great way to settle down after a long day at work or to enjoy some much needed self-care time without turning on the TV. As an eco-friendly queen, it is important to choose secondhand reads to reduce your impact on the planet. Keep reading for a list of the best places to buy used books!

The Top Places to Find Used Books Near You:

First up, do a quick Google search to see when your local library puts on a used book sale! Libraries often get a ton of book donations, which means they can sell some pretty great reads at these sales. Plus, if you’re a bookworm, you’ll be happy to know that the proceeds from these sales often support the library in your community. Such a great way to get some new used books!

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bookmark_borderA Thrift Books Haul: New Eco Books to Read!

Hey earth muffins! It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that I love to read (just follow my Instagram if you need proof!). While I typically use my local library, there are some books that it unfortunately does not have. I thought it would be fun to order some eco books off ThriftBooks, as they have been on my “to-read” list for awhile now. I haven’t used this secondhand book website since college and was excited to support it again. Let’s jump right into my Thrift Books haul!

Make Your Place by Raleigh Briggs

This book was listed in “Acceptable” condition for a price of $5.09. I had added it to my “to-read” list after seeing it at a local gift store in my town. The text looks like it is handwritten, so I thought it would be a fun coffee table book after I read it. Such a fun read on nesting skills, and it mostly focused on things like DIY tinctures, salves, and gardening/composting. Would definitely recommend if you are into sustainable living!

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bookmark_borderEco Books to Read in 2020 – What’s on my List

Hey earth muffins! A few weeks ago I shared my favorite books about sustainability with you all. Now that I am no longer in college, I have so much more time to read! 📗 Reading is one of my favorite things to do; this has been really helpful during the pandemic as it keeps me occupied at home! After sharing my favorite eco-friendly books, I thought you all might like to see what is currently on my “to-read” list. Just like last time, I will affiliate link all of these books to used copies on Amazon! 😍 I hope to start reading these as soon as I finish the book I have checked out right now. Let’s jump right into my books to read in 2020!

ECOrenaissance: A Lifestyle Guide for Cocreating a Stylish, Sexy, and Sustainable World by Marci Zaroff

A picture of an Ecorenaissance book

“ECOrenaissance provides inspiring tips and tricks for how to live and shop in harmony with nature without sacrificing style or luxury, and how best to benefit from the current renaissance—a global rebirth of sustainable economics, progressive ethics, and green culture—through the wisdom of eco-entrepreneurs, green fashion designers, organic food purveyors, and innovative leaders of this new movement.”

When I find myself talking with others about sustainability, I find that many think I have “given up” things to be eco-friendly. This is definitely not the case, but it seems to be a common misconception. Eco-friendly products in the past were often expensive, “ugly”, and uncommon… But that has changed with the surge of interest in sustainable production! This book expands on this idea by sharing how to live an elegant green lifestyle without sacrificing the comforts in your life. Marci has been working in the eco world for decades now. She even trademarked the term “ECOfashion” back in 1995, so I bet this book is filled with a lot of interesting information.

Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World by Mark Miodownik

A picture of the cover of Stuff Matters, a book

“Miodownik studies objects as ordinary as an envelope and as unexpected as concrete cloth, uncovering the fascinating secrets that hold together our physical world. In Stuff Matters, Miodownik explores the materials he encounters in a typical morning, from the steel in his razor to the foam in his sneakers. Full of enthralling tales of the miracles of engineering that permeate our lives, Stuff Matters will make you see stuff in a whole new way.”

While not a typical “eco” book, I think books about our material possessions are great reads! They always make you re-think the objects you use without thinking every day. Plus, I bet there are a bunch of products that I think use little resources to make…. But probably take a lot more than I realize!

Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet. by Ashlee Piper

A picture of the cover of Give a Shit, a book

“Give a Sh*t guides you through the transition to a kinder, healthier, more conscious, and sustainable life like no book has done before. With a humorous and nonjudgmental tone, savvy eco-friendly lifestyle expert Ashlee Piper walks you through easy-but-impactful shifts anyone can make to live and be better every damn day.”

I have been wanting to read this book for SO long now; but, my library doesn’t have a physical copy of it yet. The book is organized by room, giving tips for each. While I’ve read a bunch of books set up this way, I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book in particular. I am sure some tips will be the same, but it is always fun to see another person’s perspective! Ashlee has done a lot of cool things in the eco-sphere, so I bet she has a lot of experiences to share along the way too! Definitely one of the books to read in 2020 for me. 🙂

The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

A picture of the cover of The World Without Us, a book

“If human beings disappeared instantaneously from the Earth, what would happen? How would the planet reclaim its surface? What creatures would emerge from the dark and swarm? In his revelatory, bestselling account, Alan Weisman draws on every field of science to present an environmental assessment like no other, the most affecting portrait yet of humankind’s place on this planet.”

The concept of this book is really cool – and it might become a reality if we don’t fix our relationship with the planet. 😬 Many eco/sustainable books focus on what we can do to the earth. Taking us out of the equation completely is such an interesting way to think about how our planet could recover by itself! This book has won a bunch of different awards, including Time’s #1 nonfiction book of 2007. I exclusively read nonfiction, so that ranking makes me want to read it even more!

How to Give Up Plastic by Will McCallum

How to Give Up Plastic book cover

“How to Give Up Plastic is a straightforward guide to eliminating plastic from your life. Going room by room through your home and workplace, Greenpeace activist Will McCallum teaches you how to spot disposable plastic items and find plastic-free, sustainable alternatives to each one.”

While I probably have heard many of these tips before, I still want to read this soon to remind myself of them. As I mentioned in a recent post, my boyfriend isn’t as eco-friendly as I am. Because of this, I sometimes find myself getting lazy and reverting back to less sustainable ways. I’ve always gotten really passionate after reading books like this, so I hope that by reading this I’ll get more inspired as well. Maybe my boyfriend will even give it a read too! 😊 Overall, I have a bunch of books I am excited about on my “to-read” list. What are the books to read in 2020 for you? Have you found some good recommendations?

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Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderMy Favorite Books About Sustainability

Hey earth muffins! It is no secret that I absolutely love to read. 🤓 I’ve written many Recent Reads & Movie Review posts in the past; now, I share my thoughts on the latest books I’ve read on my Instagram! If you are looking for some new book suggestions, I am here to save the day… This post is a list of my favorite books about sustainability. I’ll link each of them to used copies on Amazon, but you could also see if they are in your local library! Let’s jump right into it.

My Top 3 Sustainable Books

1. No Impact Man by Colin Beavan (affiliate link)

A picture of the cover of No Impact Man by Colin Beavan

This was the book that started it all for me. After reading it in May of 2018, I decided to start on my sustainable journey. 🌎 Rebranding my blog to Life of an Earth Muffin soon followed, and here we are today! This book follows Colin and his family on their journey to live with zero impact for a full year. Instead of easing themselves in (which I would highly recommend to any newbie earth muffins!), they decided to just take the plunge and see how they would do. The book is an honest “diary” explaining their successes and failures on this adventure. I think it is an awesome book to show the ups and downs of living eco-friendly; it is definitely full of great tips and information as well!

2. Plastic Free by Beth Terry (affiliate link)

A picture of the book Plastic Free by Beth Terry

This is another book I read in the beginning of my journey, but it is still a favorite to this day! 😊 If you have never taken an earth science class and/or are new to the whole environmentalist thing, Beth has you covered! She explains the ins and outs of plastic, including helpful tips and guides for recycling, identifying the correct plastic type, etc. On top of that, she provides personal stories about her own journey to give up plastics, which are relatable and make the book worth reading. I’d highly recommend it!

3. Zero Waste: Simple Life Hacks to Drastically Reduce Your Trash by Shia Su (affiliate link)

A picture of the book Zero Waste by Shia Su

If you are a visual learner, this one is for you! Shia does such a great job explaining the zero waste lifestyle. Instead of sticking to one thing, she covers simple tips for every area of your home. It is definitely an essential guide if you are trying to be low waste! The book is absolutely stunning in terms of visuals as well. There are many pictures, diagrams, and bright pops of color that makes the read exciting yet informational. 😍 I randomly stumbled upon this one in my local library last year, and I’m so happy I checked it out!

2 More Great Books About Sustainability

4. Garbology by Edward Humes (affiliate link)

A picture of Garbology by Edward Humes

This book focuses on one thing: what we throw away. But, it isn’t all just facts about our garbage (even though there are definitely plenty of facts to go round!). For each topic that he discusses, Edward highlights people who are solving this problem in a unique way. Instead of leaving the reader scared about the future (like many environmental books do), he offers solutions and suggestions for turning our trash into a better future for the planet. Trash is something that each individual can personally impact; the book left me inspired to do my part! I definitely enjoyed reading it, so I suggest you give it a read as well!

5. Overdressed by Elizabeth Cline (affiliate link)

A picture of Overdressed by Elizabeth Cline

While this book is definitely more niche, I thought I would include it anyway. Elizabeth investigates the true costs of fast fashion companies in this read; it is definitely very eye opening! There is no doubt about the fact that fast fashion is absolutely terrible for the planet; but, it is another to read first hand accounts of just how (and who) is impacted by these companies. While I was already buying my clothes secondhand before reading this book, it solidified my decision to thrift instead of shop new. And I have absolutely no regrets! 😊

In sum, there are plenty of books about sustainability out there. These are my personal faves, but I’ve loved many more that are not mentioned in this post! Some books about the planet can leave you feeling overwhelmed about the future; these ones leave you will action items and the inspiration to make a difference in the world! 🌎❤️ What books have you been reading lately?

A Pinterest pin about the top 5 books about sustainability
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Jenna ♥

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