Hey earth muffins! Today I wanted to talk about candles. I am personally a huge fan of lighting them to set a relaxing vibe; now that I am out of student housing, I am finally able to burn the candles I have been collecting throughout the years. When starting my eco journey, I was surprised to see candles as a topic in some zero waste books. While candles may not seem like a big deal, they do have an impact on Mother Earth! In terms of sustainability, which is better? Let’s jump right into a discussion on soy vs. paraffin wax!

Soy wax is made of a more sustainable material.
Before we can discuss the pros and cons of these candle waxes, you might be curious as to what exactly soy wax and paraffin wax are. A typical candle (that is unmarked) is usually made from paraffin wax. This type of wax is petroleum based and created using crude oil. As crude oil is a fossil fuel, this obviously isn’t the best for the environment. On top of that, the oil extracted needs to be refined before it can be turned into a candle. This adds more insult to the earth. In comparison, soy wax is derived from the soybean. While growing soybeans (and then having to process them) does have an impact, it is not nearly as much as paraffin wax.
Paraffin wax can release dangerous chemicals as it burns.
The next topic in this soy vs. paraffin wax discussion is the health of burning these candles. Obviously “soot” is released when you burn any type of candle. But, did you know that some paraffin candles give off benzene, a carcinogen? They can also release other harmful emissions into your home that can affect air quality… But, these amounts are minimal so they shouldn’t impact you negatively. On the flip side, it has also been proven that soy wax candles can also emit things when burning. Because many farmers use pesticides when growing soybeans, low amounts of these chemicals can be released into the air if the soybean oil wasn’t filtered properly.

Soy wax candles burn longer.
If you want your favorite scent to last longer, I suggest buying soy wax candles. When lit, they burn slower which allows them to last longer than paraffin wax. If you don’t own one already, I suggest buying some sort of rechargeable lighter to light your candles with (affiliate link). I have one from the USB Lighter Company that I absolutely love! It is a staple for lighting all of my soy candles, and it is a great eco-friendly product that won’t cost you a lot.
Paraffin wax (typically) has a better scent throw.
While this does depend on the candle, I have found that paraffin wax candles typically have stronger scents and are able to throw that scent better when lit. I’m not an expert on the science behind this, but it has to do with the fact that soy wax is denser than paraffin. Because of this, a soy wax candle requires more heat to burn… Which delays the releasing of scent into the room. As paraffin wax burns easily, it throws the scent better. I personally actually like this about soy wax candles; I get headaches if scents are too strong, so I like a less “intense” scent in the room. 😊 But, if you are looking for a soy vs. paraffin wax candle that has the best throw, paraffin wax might be for you!

Conclusion to the Soy vs. Paraffin Wax Debate
Personally, I always opt for 100% soy wax candles. I can’t get over the fact that paraffin wax is extracted from crude oil… 😖 Why chose that when you can opt for a more eco-friendly option? While both types of candles can emit things into the air, I don’t burn them enough in my apartment for it to have a negative effect on my health. I love that my soy candles burn longer and throw less scent – perfect for my candle preferences. Overall, I suggest choosing the candle wax that works best for you! Some (including many from Bath & Body Works) are even a mix of the two waxes for the best of both worlds. What type of wax is your favorite?
Jenna ♥