bookmark_borderHow to Throw a Zero Waste 4th of July Party!

Hey earth muffins! The Fourth of July is a festive holiday that often involves gatherings, food, and decorations. There are plenty of easy ways to have a low waste 4th of July… And that includes having a party too! With a few mindful choices and creative ideas, you can host a zero waste 4th of July party that’s both enjoyable AND sustainable. Keep reading for the best tips to throw a sustainable celebration!

1. Send digital invitations

Opt for digital invitations or create a Facebook event instead of wasting paper on invitations or posters around the neighborhood. This reduces excess waste and makes it easier for guests to RSVP.

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bookmark_borderHow to Throw a Zero Waste Party – Birthday Edition!

Hey earth muffins! My boyfriend’s 25th birthday is just around the corner, so I thought it would be fun to write a themed birthday post today. ๐Ÿ˜ I wrote a whole post about how to celebrate a zero waste birthday last year; but, I wanted to focus on a zero waste party today. Parties are super fun and a great way to celebrate your loved one – and they can definitely be eco-friendly too! Here are my top tips for throwing the coolest zero waste party this year!

1. Use e-invitations

As a kid, I remember getting invitations in the mail for birthday parties. While I personally love getting something special in the mail, you don’t have to use paper invitations anymore. Instead, try electronic alternatives! There are tons of great websites that allow you to send invites. If you don’t want to be limited by their designs, use sites like Canva to create your own and email it out to friends. You could also start a group on Facebook that invites everyone. This is a great way to mass send all the details for the party! Paper invites are usually thrown in the trash, so definitely choose electronic instead.

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