Hey earth muffins! Let’s face it; we live in what can only be described as a “throwaway culture”. Things are made to last for a short amount of time and produced in large quantities… This type of culture is obviously not good for the planet for many reason – but how can you fight back against the norms? Keep reading for 5 easy ways to go against this throwaway culture!

1. Follow the waste hierarchy and reduce what you throw away!
The waste hierarchy is a hierarchy for a reason. You should focus most of your time at the top of the pyramid: reduce, reuse, repurpose, etc. Recycle (and then waste) are at the bottom because you should try your best to avoid them at all cost. To go against our single-use culture, try to throw away as little as you can. This is the complete opposite of what most people in our world do, but it isn’t a totally impossible goal.
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