Hey earth muffins! Wow, I can’t believe that tomorrow starts a brand new year… 2020 has been a mix of things: bad, good, and downright unbelievable at times. As the new year begins, many people take time to set resolutions. I personally love to think about how I want to improve my life for the upcoming year. ๐ If you haven’t thought about your resolution(s) yet, here are all the reasons you should “go green” in 2021! This is the year to start your eco-journey if you haven’t, so make it your top resolution.

One person really can make a difference.
I’ve heard the excuse that “one person can’t make a difference” too many times to count. But, I’ve noticed that the people who say this aren’t actually trying to be sustainable… Which means they really don’t know for sure if one person can make a difference or not! As someone who actively tries to be green, I can definitely say that even my small steps make a difference when looked at collectively. Sure, it might not seem like making simple swaps to zero waste products would have an impact… But just think of all the disposable products I’ve avoided! My consumer behaviors have changed so much so that I barely shop new anymore; I’ve stopped eating meat… I don’t see how these things couldn’t have an impact, even if it is small! If you are one of the people who uses this excuse to rationalize your un-sustainable behaviors, I challenge you to make 2021 the start of being green! I look forward to hearing about how you make a difference on the planet!
I’ve saved SO much money by going low waste.
Think about it: you buy less, you buy secondhand, you buy only what you need, and you don’t buy single use/disposable products. While I might have to spend a bit more at the bulk bins or on a vegetarian meat substitute or a sustainable product (like Yay for Earth lotion), this is immaterial when I look at my money habits overall. Money buys happiness, and after starting my eco journey in 2018, I’ve been able to live my life exactly how I want to. I’m able to save for retirement and put money aside for trips when the pandemic is over; there is no reason why you shouldn’t explore the cost-savings of a low waste lifestyle as well! While the planet should probably be the reason why you go green, you can’t go wrong with saving money too.
I’ve never been healthier!
Throughout my eco journey I’ve learned a lot of scary things, including information about the chemicals, additives, and “other stuff” that is in mainstream packaged foods, makeup, beauty products, etc. I’ve pared down my bathroom items, reduced the amount of packaged food I eat, opted for natural birth control, and take extra care to only expose my body to as natural of products as possible. I think it is safe to say that sustainable companies care about your health and the planet, while Fortune 500 companies typically do not. My body feels better and my mind feels better that I am taking care of Mother Earth. ๐ I totally suggest you reap these benefits of going green in 2021 as well!

It gives you a better outlook on life.
I’ve always been an extremely positive person, but since 2018 I’ve seen myself grow into a new person. After learning about the earth and our consumption patterns, I have a more questioning mind especially when it comes to buying things. I’ve realized that our society has a lot of problems from inequalities to social norms to everything in between… And I’ve learned to do what I want instead of care about what others “expect” me to be/do because of them. Who cares if I don’t shave my legs because I’m a woman? Why does it matter if I have a (sometimes smelly) compost bin under my kitchen sink? Why care about what everyone thinks of you when you don’t like everyone yourself? I feel so good about myself because I am not only being sustainable for me, but for the future generations to come. Going on this eco journey has helped me realize what is important to my life… And it definitely has nothing to do with material goods!
You should go green in 2021 because you literally will play a role in saving our earth. By buying from sustainable companies you are ensuring workers and natural resources are treated fairly; starting a compost bin will save on food waste and reduce methane in the landfill; donating to charities will save the rainforest and/or support your local community – the benefits are endless! Sure, you will be able to save money, feel great, and see improvements in your life… But, going green is so much more than that. Make 2021 the year where you put Mother Earth first! ๐โค๏ธ I honestly can’t think of a better new year’s resolution.

Jenna โฅ