Hey earth muffins! When you’re on a journey towards being more sustainable, one of the biggest things to avoid is creating excess waste. Being completely zero waste is often an unrealistic ideal; but, you should try to follow the waste hierarchy before tossing things into the garbage. Why are landfills so bad?? There are plenty of reasons why you should prevent items from heading to the trash heap. Let’s jump into a few major ones in this post!

#1 – Difficult for organic material to decompose naturally
The first negative to landfills is that they don’t allow organic materials to break down correctly. If food scraps are put into a compost bin, they decompose naturally and create nutritious soil… Unfortunately, this doesn’t occur in landfills. The lack of oxygen and light in trash piles results in food scraps either not breaking down at all OR releasing methane as they do. Methane is 30% more powerful than carbon, which makes it a much worse greenhouse gas. Definitely a huge reason we should all avoid sending organic materials to the landfill!
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