Crazy to think that another year is almost over! For me, this year really flew by… But I am looking forward to what the next year brings. Celebrating New Year’s Eve can look different for everyone – partying, chilling at home, watching a countdown, or hosting an event for family and friends. Amid the fireworks and good memories, sustainability can often take a back seat. Embracing a sustainable approach to New Year’s Eve isn’t just a great way to start the year right. It’s also a wonderful way to ensure that our celebrations do not leave a negative mark on the planet. Here are some easy ways to celebrate an eco New Year’s Eve!
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bookmark_borderEasy Sustainable Resolutions to Have for the New Year!
Hey earth muffins! Can you believe 2023 is almost here?! This year flew by – but I’m excited to see what the next year brings. 🎉 Before January hits, you need to come up with some resolutions. This year, let’s try to make them earth-friendly to improve our eco journeys… Keep reading for the best sustainable resolutions for 2023!

Sustainable Resolution Ideas:
–Pick 12 eco-friendly swaps to make throughout the year: These can be as easy or difficult as you’d like. Try to implement changes to all rooms of your house and every aspect of your daily life. Some ideas: switching to a bamboo toothbrush, using reusable grocery bags, and buying decor secondhand. The options are endless!
Read More ➥bookmark_borderHow to Be More Eco-Friendly in 2022!
Hey earth muffins! I can’t believe 2021 is almost over. 😅 This year has been full of a lot of life changes for me, from a new job to buying my very first home. I am excited to see what lies ahead in 2022! Last year, I shared all the reasons why you should go green in 2021. If that post didn’t convince you to start on an eco journey, I hope this post will do the trick! This is the season of making New Year’s Resolutions, so I challenge you all to add “be more eco-friendly” to your list. Here are 5 ways to be more sustainable in the new year!

*Evaluate your current eco journey!
The end of a year is the perfect time to reflect back on what areas you found success in your eco journey. I personally love to sit down with my journal before a new year and write out every success and failure. It is a great way to visually see a list of where you are struggling. Plus, you can look back on this list throughout 2022 to remind yourself as well. In order to be more eco-friendly in the new year, it is important to first evaluate how far you have come.
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