bookmark_border8 Amazing Eco-Friendly Products You Can Buy at Target!

Hey earth muffins! Before I started my eco journey back in 2018, Target was one of my favorite stores. If I find myself needing to go to a “superstore”, it is often my first choice. I have noticed that they are starting to carry more sustainable items in their stores – so exciting! This is awesome because it makes eco-friendly products more accessible to the masses and gives shopper that extra push towards buying a green item instead. Today, I will be sharing a list of some great eco-friendly Target products – let’s jump right into it!

Bath & Beauty Products

Native plastic-free deodorant - a great eco-friendly product to buy at Target!

First up – we have plastic free deodorant! Target actually has quite a few options for this. They have Native deodorant (which I reviewed here), Hey Humans, even Secret and Old Spice plastic-free versions! I really like my Native deodorant, but will be trying out Hey Humans next. In terms of price, Hey Humans is more affordable, so I am interested to see how it works. It is awesome that there are now multiple options to choose from!

Next up, toothpaste in aluminum tubes! I absolutely love David’s Natural toothpaste; check out my full review here. Hey Humans has also jumped on the aluminum tube train… I am currently giving their toothpaste a try and will share my thoughts with you all once I use it up. 😁 Don’t forget to properly recycle your metal toothpaste tubes – check out the step-by-step guide here!

While they don’t carry these in my local store, Target has quite the selection of shampoo bars! I’ve been trying out a bunch of bars throughout my eco journey. Most recently, I use the Montalbano bar from Lush. Target carries shampoo bars from HiBar, Spring & Vine, Faith in Nature, and Love Beauty and Planet. I hope they carry these at my store soon; I have been wanting to give these brands a try!

If you want to buy some “tree-free” toilet paper, see if your local Target carries Reel TP. Their toilet paper is made with 100% bamboo. Bamboo is a great natural resource – a much better option than typical TP. Unfortunately, the Target in my city does not carry this brand either… But I am hoping they will soon!

Hey Human body lotion in an aluminum bottle - a great eco-friendly product to buy at Target!

The next item on this eco-friendly Target products list is body wash and body lotion in aluminum bottles from Hey Humans. This is awesome, as metal is easily recycled without reducing its quality. There are so many nice sounding scents to choose from as well! While I personally prefer bar soap to bottles, this is a great option if you are looking to reduce your plastic usage in the shower! 🎉

Things for the Kitchen

Interested in trying out composting? I love that Target carries a kitchen compost bin! This container isn’t very big; so, you will need to figure out what to do with the compost once it is full. There are many options: get a compost pickup service, have a backyard bin, or these other options. Such a great way to combat your food waste from heading to the landfill!

A stainless steel kitchen compost bin - a great eco-friendly product to buy at Target!
A pack of reusable snack bags - a great eco-friendly product to buy at Target!

I have been seeing Stasher bags all over my TikTok recently… And I love that they are getting more people to try reusable snack/lunch bags. I saw these bags in the school supplies area – such great placement by Target! If I would have seen these as a child, it would have been a no-brainer to opt for the reusable. Definitely check these out on your next Target run!

Last but not least, Grove has concentrated cleaners… And reusable glass cleaning bottles! A bunch of cleaning products were produced during the pandemic, so I love that brands are coming up with ways to make cleaning a little more eco-friendly. If you don’t want to make your own DIY cleaners, this is a great alternative. Just be careful with the glass bottle – wouldn’t want to break it!

A Grove Co multi-cleaner box of concentrated cleaner - a great eco-friendly product to buy at Target!

Final Thoughts on Eco-Friendly Target Finds!

Overall, I absolutely LOVE that huge companies like Target are putting sustainable products on the shelf. There is a long way to go, but it is a nice step in the right direction. While it is still important to look into items marked as “sustainable” (to avoid greenwashing!!), I hope this eco-friendly Target products list inspires you to try out something new the next time you find yourself at Target. If these items aren’t carried at your local store, ask the manager when they will be. Make it known that you want eco-friendly alternatives! 😊 What have I missed from this list? Comment below your favorite eco finds at Target!

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Jenna ♥

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