bookmark_borderHow to Naturally Dye Easter Eggs

Hey earth muffins! Easter is less than a week away! Hopefully all of your plans are in place so that you can enjoy the holiday. This week is full of Easter preparations… Which means lots of eggs are getting dyed! Did you know you can naturally dye your Easter eggs? Instead of buying a dye kit (full of plastics and neon shades of the rainbow), opt to dye your eggs at home! Natural dyes are better for you, better for the planet, and look much more rustic and –well– natural. Keep reading for two of the best ways to naturally dye Easter eggs!

Option 1: Dip dye the eggs

This method is similar to the dye kits you can purchase this time of year. Instead of using a dye tablet all you have to do is concoct some dyes. The basic recipe is this:

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