Hey earth muffins! With a new year upon us, it is important to try to be more eco-friendly in 2022. In a previous post, I talked about how you should evaluate your current eco journey and set some goals for yourself. I have found that setting goals that align with my sustainable values makes it easier to achieve them. I’m the type of person who also loves a constant reminder of what I stand for. I recommend that you all also have a constant reminder of your core values as well! Here are my thoughts on ways you can continue to inspire yourself every day.

What Are Your Values?
Taking time to think through your core values is super important! When my boyfriend and I took a staycation last summer, I spent a few hours journaling and writing down what values were important to me. There are plenty of online value worksheets that can help you with this if you aren’t sure where to start! Once you have a bunch of your values written down, I recommend grouping them into similar categories. For myself, I picked 5 overarching themes that encompass what my core values are.
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