bookmark_borderThe Best Places to Buy Used Records and Vinyl!

Hey earth muffins! Vinyl has been growing in popularity these past few years, and I’m definitely part of that bandwagon. Secondhand shopping is a great way to reduce your impact on the planet… And you can find some great used records too! All of the best vinyl in my collection has been purcased secondhand; keep reading for a list of the best places to buy used records & vinyl.

1. Local record shops

If you’re lucky, you might have a record shop (or multiple!) in your city. These are a great place to find awesome secondhand records. While many of them also sell new vinyl, there is something special about sifting through stacks of records until you find an absolute gem. A lot of local shops also ensure that the records are of good quality and without scratches… Super helpful (and reduces the risk of wasting money on ones that don’t play)!

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bookmark_borderThe Best Vinyl Records: The Favorites in my Collection!

Hey earth muffins! Today’s post is a little different than my usual content on this blog. Back in December when I bought my house, I knew I wanted to purchase a record player for my office. My parents decided to buy it for me for Christmas – and I began my vinyl purchases. 😊 I buy all my records from yard sales, antique shops, and a local record store. It is so fun to hunt for treasures! Without further to do, here are the best vinyl records in my collection.

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