Hey muffins, I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! My boyfriend and I officially moved into our new place, so it was a bit stressful/chaotic for us… But, everything is all settled now! I don’t start my job until September, so I have a lot of time to make the apartment look exactly how we want. 🙃 In the spirit of decorating and creativity, for today’s post I wanted to write about my experience following a Bob Ross tutorial.
When I was finishing up packing the stuff remaining in my parent’s house during quarantine, I came across a few containers of acrylic paint and a couple paintbrushes:

Now I’ve dabbled in arts and crafts throughout my life, but painting has never been something I have gotten into. I have tried it out in art classes, but never liked the end result. However, quarantine had me super bored so I decided that I was going to give it a try! 😝
What Bob Ross Tutorial to Follow
Because I was limited in colors I decided that I wanted to try to paint a winter scene first. The Bob Ross YouTube channel has a TON of videos to follow, which are all about 25-30 minutes long. There are many different types of paintings to follow along to: seascapes, sunsets, mountains, trees, etc. I chose a simple mountain scene with some trees and hit the play button….

My Thoughts on the Tutorial
Bob Ross does such an excellent job of teaching you how to paint something that looks complicated! 😍 He takes a snow covered mountain and helps you paint it in layers, thus creating shadows/shading that makes for an extremely realistic art piece. He also reinforces that nothing is a mistake, just a “happy accident” as you paint. This was such a good reminder for me, as I often want things to look absolutely perfect… But some mistakes can turn out even better!
This tutorial was a bit harder for me overall as I didn’t have the same brushes and colors as Bob Ross. But, that just allowed for more creativity to make the work my own! I would say it took me about one hour to follow this 25 minute tutorial, as I would often pause it to finish up certain steps. It is also important to note that I excluded the cabin at the end of the tutorial. All in all, I think it turned it out amazing; everyone should try out a Bob Ross tutorial at some point!! Regardless of skill (because seriously I was a beginner beginner painter), you WILL be able to create an awesome painting by following one of these tutorials.
If you don’t believe me just look at all the other paintings I have created since then! For some I followed along to other Bob Ross tutorials, but for others I just followed me heart. 😁 What art will you create in the near future?

Jenna ♥
Oh my goodness! You are so talented! I tried to follow along with a Bob Ross tutorial for my birthday a year or two ago…and it did not turn out all that well. (But it is still hanging on my wall!) Your paintings are incredible.