Hey earth muffins! Mister Corona has, no doubt, impacted everyone’s lives in so many ways. While I have been spending most of quarantine studying for my upcoming CPA exams, I also jumped on board a trend I never would have seen coming: Chloe Ting. When the stay at home orders were first issued, my Instagram and YouTube feeds blew up with people talking about “Chloe Ting”. I had no idea who she was, but after doing some research I was lowkey inspired. I have always wanted abs, so why not try out a Chloe Ting ab challenge when I was stuck at home?
As someone who never exercises other than taking long walks, I thought a structured workout routine would be beneficial. Even if I wasn’t going to get actual abs, I thought it would be smart to be a bit healthier to ward off any pandemic germs. 😬 So, in my planner I added Chloe Ting to my to-dos for 14 days straight; here are my thoughts on my ab challenge experience!
The Chloe Ting Ab Challenge I Picked
Because I never usually do workouts to build my muscles, I wanted to select a Chloe Ting challenge that wasn’t going to be impossible to complete. The video I used was her ten minute ab challenge. If you are trying to get fully shredded (like Matt the Radar Technician), there are three other videos you can do alongside this one for a two-week shred challenge. But, I just decided to see how an ab workout would work for me. 😄
Ab Challenge Week 1
For only a 10 minute video, Chloe works you HARD 😰 After doing two different exercises for 30 seconds you only get 10 seconds of rest before moving on to the next – it can be brutal at times! Day 1 wasn’t too challenging; I spent some time making sure I was doing each exercise correctly which made the workout feel shorter. If you decide to try out one of her workouts, I suggest watching it a couple of times before you physically try it out. This will allow you to work out harder on the first day because you will actually know how to complete the different exercises.
I was SO sore on days 2 and 3 because (obviously) I had been working out muscles I didn’t use often. After these days though I never felt sore, only that tight crampy feeling you get during the actual workout. No joke, I had the outline of abs by day 4!! I’m not talking about an outline of each set of abs, but that “11” on your stomach that makes you look hella good. This was definitely motivation to keep going with the challenge!

I also loved that Chloe incorporates a lot of different types of exercises into one workout. Because there is a variety, it makes the workout go by much faster as you are doing something new constantly. It also allows people of many different abilities to try out her workouts – which I love! 😅 While there were some exercises that I hated (like up and down planks or plank jacks) I found some new exercises that I actually enjoyed.
Ab Challenge Week 2
Was it hard to keep up the challenge for 14 days straight? Yes and no. The challenge is only 10 minutes, so there isn’t an excuse for being too busy to do it each day. But, there is always that initial time of feeling unmotivated to exercise. To counter this, the fact that I could see the results so early was motivation to keep it up. 💪
By the second week, I had the order of the exercises basically memorized. This was awesome because it enabled me to focus on the best form and push my body to complete more reps of each. I will tell you – the back track of this workout gets pretty repetitive and annoying at times after you have been listening to it for two weeks straight!

Overall Thoughts on a Chloe Ting Ab Challenge
Did I see results? Yupp. I don’t think it is necessary to show you all the “after” as I never took before pictures; plus, I wasn’t doing this to share my results with the world. I was doing it to feel better about my body and to make it stronger. 🤩
Will I continue with Chloe Ting? Yes and no! Based on this challenge, I actually made my own workout routine with some of my favorite exercises. I love how strong my body has been feeling, so I have been doing this routine almost every single day after my challenge has ended!! I might try out another one of her challenges to strengthen my legs and arms, but I will most likely just incorporate them into this new routine. Look out for a workout routine post in the near future!
Would I recommend a Chloe Ting ab challenge? YES. It is amazing that she puts her workouts online for free, as many people don’t have access to gyms/trainers. In addition, they actually get results! As these challenges range from low to high commitment, there is no reason to not give one a try. Now I know why so many people have been talking about her workouts, and I totally recommend you try them too! 🥳 What have you been doing to stay fit at home?

Jenna ♥
I love that you did this with the intent to feel better and get stronger! I’m so glad this was a positive experience! I definitely slack when it comes to ab work so this has given me a healthy dose of inspiration for the day. Thank you!