Smart Ways to Save Energy at Home While Living a Healthy & More Sustainable Lifestyle

There are many ways to save energy while living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. From small things to huge investments, conserving energy is an excellent way to help the environment and save money on energy bills. Here are some of the best ways to save energy in your home:

A picture of energy on the top of a house

Insulate Your House

Did you know that the difference between the exterior and interior temperature affects the air conditioner and the electricity bill? The cold breeze you want to enjoy in your house will cost you more because most of it finds its way outside. Make sure that your home is well insulated to save money on energy bills and reduce your impact! Additionally, check your air conditioning ducts to see if they are faulty, blocked, or disconnected. A faulty duct cannot move cool air through your home as excellently as it is supposed to do. This means that you will pay more for air that is escaping. I suggest getting the system fixed by professionals such as 24 Hour AC Repair.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Consider replacing the most energy-intensive appliances with better, efficient energy models. This will help you cut your energy cost by almost half! If you decide to buy an appliance, try to compare the cost of buying to its annual functioning cost. Remember that energy-efficient appliances might have a higher purchase price, but their operating costs are usually lower. Also, when purchasing these energy-efficient appliances, check for energy star labels. This is a guarantee that the product will consume less energy when in use than when on standby!

Use LED Lights

LED lights have the potential to change the future of global lighting. Most LED lights use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent lighting. Buying LED lights can be costly; however, the energy efficiency and high durability tend to make up for the extra costs. Make sure that you replace the old incandescent bulbs with LED to save energy.

Wash Your Laundry in Cold Water!

Today, detergents work the same way in both hot and cold water. And by just switching from hot to cold and reducing the average loads per week, you will be able to cut on energy costs. You can use hot water only when you want to disinfect your clothes; however, I have found that using tap cold makes your clothing last longer too.

Use Natural Light

Instead of turning on the lights during the day, open your curtains and use sunlight! Such an easy way to save energy. Alternatively, you can make the most out of the sunlight using bright décor ideas, like tactically placing mirrors on the wall. Additionally, whenever you leave a room, make sure that you turn off the lights. Make this a habit, and you can save a lot of money on your monthly energy bills.

Try Solar Power

Using solar-powered systems can significantly reduce your energy bills and save you money. Having solar panels means that your home will be using the sun to provide electricity at all times, except during rainy seasons. You will only have to pay for electricity when the sun is not shining or during thunderstorms.

The Bottom Line

There are many other ways of saving energy at home. For instance, you can install energy-efficient windows, use a smart meter, unplug unused devices and spend less time in the shower. The above energy-saving tips will help you save money on energy bills, increase your property’s value, and protect the environment, hence reducing your carbon footprint. Give it a try!

Jenna ♥

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  1. Great suggestions! I use natural light as much as possible and wash laundry in cold water. I will have to try your other tips. Thanks for sharing!

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