Top Tips To Make Your House More Energy Efficient

Being environmentally friendly should be one of the top priorities of our lives. Our houses annually release huge amounts of toxins to the environment and a lot of waste. Therefore some tips can help make your home more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. This means less money is being spent because less energy is being used within your house.

1. Turn down your thermostat

More and more people are opting for smart technology within their homes which means they are more in control of the appliances they use. Having a smart thermostat means you are in charge of how much energy you use to heat your home. Many smart thermostat technologies allow you to set timers for how long and at what level of heat your house is going to be heated. Sources such as Nest, compare your average energy consumption with the people in your area. They use this data to provide you with a percentage of how well you’re doing and how much energy you have saved each month. So not only will you know you’re doing better, you will be able to see how much better you are doing with this one small change!

2. Make more use of your washing machine

Using a washing machine isn’t particularly being energy efficient, however, there are ways that you can use your washing machine to become more energy efficient.  If you have solar panels on your property, wash the clothes when the sun is creating the most energy for your property. This is so you aren’t relying on burning fossil fuels to create energy to wash your clothes. Using your washing machine with a full wash of clothes means you’re being energy efficient while using your washing machine also. By making sure you are washing the most amount of clothes each wash, you are being more energy-efficient.

3. Invest in your insulation

By investing in your insulation, it means you are saving a huge amount of energy by looking after your home. When using wall and roof insulation, you are becoming more energy efficient.  This is because you won’t be spending money to heat your home for the energy to escape. This is the same with choosing energy-efficient windows and doors, choosing more options for your home means that you are saving energy. There are so many different types of windows within one home, with many options of how to make these more energy-efficient, including double glazing windows. You even can get energy-efficient awning windows, which are windows that open from the bottom out.

These are just 3 tips to make your home more energy-efficient, but there’s so much more you can do. Depending on how much money you have to spend depends on the types of improvements you can make to your home to make this change.  But being energy efficient can be as simple as turning off a light switch as you leave the room! So, there aren’t huge changes that have to be made straight away as little steps add up.

Jenna ♥

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