5 Additional Ways to Be More Sustainable!

Hey earth muffins! I was recently asked by the amazing USB Lighter Company to write a post on their new blog. You might remember them from the review I did on their rechargeable USB Candle Lighter – such a great eco-friendly product! In the post on their blog, I shared five ways you can be more sustainable on a daily basis. I decided to continue with that theme and share five more ways to be sustainable on Life of an Earth Muffin. Let’s jump right into it!

6. Reduce your overall consumption

While I mentioned in my guest post over on the USB Lighter Blog that it is important to know your local recycling rules, it is also important to remember that the saying is “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” for a reason! The best way to reduce your impact on the planet is to only consume what you actually need to. Once you do this, it is important to reuse and repair what you already have so that the waste you do create is at a minimum. At the end of an item’s life, hopefully you are able to recycle or compost it – but at least the amount of trash you create has now been reduced! Another great bonus of reducing your overall consumption is an increase in spending money – I personally suggest putting it into a savings account!

7. Say no to fast fashion – shop for clothes second hand!

After reducing your consumption, it is time to also change where you shop for clothes. Instead of the mall, hit up a thrift store! Shopping second hand is so much fun, as you get to find unique pieces that no one else has. Depending on your personal style, there are different places to shop: vintage and antique stores, Facebook Marketplace, “trendier” thrift stores like Plato’s Closet, and even online second hand markets like ThredUp. I’ve scored some pretty awesome finds over the years using these thrifting tips, so I bet you will too!

8. Monitor your water and energy usage

As I mentioned in my most recent newsletter, it is important to be conscious of your water usage when trying to be more sustainable. There are a few easy ways to reduce unnecessary water. First, shut off the tap when you are brushing your teeth and washing your face. Also, spend less time in the shower! I have found that washing my hair every other day helps reduce the water I use. In terms of electricity, get in the habit of turning off the lights whenever you leave the room. If you live with someone who doesn’t do this, get in the habit of turning off their lights too. Once they see you do this, they will most likely get into the habit of shutting them off as well.

9. Opt for more eco-friendly transportation methods

While Chitty Chitty Bang Bang might be your fine four fendered friend, there are more sustainable alternatives than taking your car everywhere. If possible walk, bike, even roller skate to destinations that are close by. For longer distances, opt for public transportation instead of getting stuck in traffic in your car. In terms of traveling on vacation, think about alternative means of transport (such as trains, buses, even boats) before booking that airplane ticket. While I know it isn’t possible to never fly, try to make the effort to explore all options to find the most eco-friendly one.

10. Eat less meat and fish!

I’ve been a vegetarian for over 2 years now – and I don’t regret my decision at all! I’m not saying you need to quit meat and fish cold turkey (pun intended), but there are plenty of plant-based diets to try out. From flexitarian to vegan, I suggest reducing your meat/fish consumption overall. The fishing and meat industries are absolutely horrible for the planet, so this is a great way to reduce your impact on Mother Earth.

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Overall, there are numerous ways to be more sustainable on a daily basis. From reducing your consumption habits to the amount of meat you eat each week, these small changes add up to a real impact. Make sure you head over to the USB Lighter Blog to read my other post if you haven’t already! 😊 While these two posts only cover ten small changes, there are plenty others that I have discussed on Life of an Earth Muffin throughout the years. What have I missed from this list? Comment below your favorite way to be more sustainable!

Jenna ♥

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