Getting Started with a More Eco-Focused Lifestyle

In today’s world, there is an ever greater awareness developing about the need for eco-focused approaches to life that help to mitigate the negative impact we have on the environment. With various gripping and troubling documentaries coming out over the last few years, increasing numbers of people are looking for changes they can make in their personal lives to live more in harmony with the natural world, as opposed to living in opposition to it.

At the same time, though, it’s fair to say that many people also find the idea of leading eco-friendly lives daunting. After all, not everyone is willing or able to move to a self-sufficient homestead, complete with a perfect composting system. As with so many other things in life, though, eco-friendly living is something where any movement in the right direction is likely to be beneficial. Here are just a few measurable tips for getting started with a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Explore pastimes that reconnect you with a love of the great outdoors

Whether you want to go trekking through rugged wilderness, with tools and equipment from EcoGear FX at your side, or go birdwatching in the forest, exploring pastimes and reconnecting with the love of the great outdoors can be extremely rewarding. The more you connect with outdoor activities in the natural world, the more sensitive you will become to the rhythms of the natural world. Then, the more naturally you will likely tend to gravitate towards holistic patterns of behaviors. It’s one thing to be concerned with “the environment” in abstract terms. But it’s when you actively spend time in the great outdoors on a regular basis that a more meaningful sense of things emerges.

Begin integrating simple plant-based recipes into your life

Plant-based eating is becoming more and more popular these days. Often for its many health benefits and also for the ethical implications. Of course the benefits to the climate and natural world that come from not eating meat and animal products too! If you want to make a positive change in this direction it’s not necessary to go completely plant based overnight. Instead, simply beginning to integrate more plant based recipes into your life can do a lot of good. If you phase out just a few animal food meals each week your health and environmental footprint will likely be moving in a positive direction!

Look into reusable bags and containers

It’s easy to underestimate how many plastic bags and disposable plastic containers and water bottles the average person gets through in a given year. With a growing awareness of just how devastating these possible poisons are for the environment – and with many of them finding their way directly into the ocean – simply looking into getting reusable bags and containers can be a great step in the right direction. You could look into hemp carrier bags to take to the grocery store for your shopping trips or even reusable travel cups for coffee and tea (many of which are made from bamboo and other eco-friendly materials).

Jenna ♥

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