My Tips to Reduce Food Waste in the Kitchen!

Hey earth muffins! One of the easiest ways to reduce your impact on the planet is to be mindful of the waste you create in the kitchen. Yes, that’s right – I’m talking about food waste today! Why is this a great place to start?? Because it can lead to HUGE results. Like I mentioned in my how to reduce food waste post, one third of the food produced in the world is wasted… Which is such a waste! I absolutely love to cook, so I’ve gotten into some great habits since starting my eco journey. Hopefully these help you all reduce food waste in the kitchen as well!

~Cook the right portion sizes.

If you want to save time, money, AND the planet, start being more mindful about portion size. I used to prepare way too much food when I cooked. I’m sure you all are guilty of just “making the whole box of pasta” at times too. Doing this is often easier in the moment because you think you will eat it later… But a ton of leftovers isn’t the best idea. To be more eco-friendly, I recommend only preparing what you know you (and your family) will eat. I’m not saying serve smaller portion sizes by any means – cook as much as you want to eat!

~Have a plan for your leftovers.

Not all leftovers are bad, especially if you know what you are going to do with them. I personally like to prepare enough food so that I have enough for lunch at work the next day. It is super easy to pack a zero waste lunch this way! Another great option is to use the extras and store them in the freezer as ready-to-go meals when you are too busy to cook. To prevent any leftovers from getting spoiled, I suggest putting them in your “Eat Me First” box in the fridge. Such a good way to ensure everything is eaten in a timely manner!

~Start to grocery shop every week.

Hear me out – this doesn’t mean you have to spend more time at the grocery store (which I would also hate). Instead of hitting up Costco for an ungodly amount of time every few weeks, try shopping for groceries in smaller batches. (This is obviously only a good idea if you have a grocery store nearby or drive by it on your way to work/school.) I shop for about 30 minutes each week, which allows me to pick up fresh foods for my weekly meals. By the time all my fresh foods are gone, none have spoiled or gone to waste. Yay to no food waste!

~Meal plan!!

I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll keep saying it – meal planning is a great way to reduce your impact. Not only does it reduce the headache of trying to figure out what to cook when you get home from work, it also helps you reduce waste. If you shop once a week, plan your meals around the items you have in your kitchen. Don’t forget to account for portion sizes and leftovers! I personally like to always plan for leftovers on Friday, as it is a great way to eat up anything I overmade throughout the week. Definitely beats getting takeout every week like my boyfriend and I used to do!

~Use all parts of your food (if possible)

A great way to reduce your food waste is to use all parts of your food. Broccoli stems are super tasty roasted; carrot tops can be made into pesto. The options are endless! If you are unsure what to do with something, check Pinterest and you’d be surprised what comes up. Even the leftover pulp from making almond milks can be used in baked goods or granola. I personally find it super fun to try and use up all the edible portions of my food, so I challenge you all to get creative too.

~When all else fails, compost!

Even by following all these suggestions on how to reduce food waste, you might still create some… And that is okay – don’t be too hard on yourself! This is when a compost bin comes in real handy. Do NOT throw your food waste in the trash. It won’t get the proper oxygen it needs to break down in the landfill, which creates methane. Instead, get some sort of compost bin. There are plenty of ways to compost (even in an apartment), so pick whatever works best for you. I do miss my compost pick up service in Grand Rapids, but I’m excited to use a backyard compost system at my new house.

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Final Thoughts on How to Reduce Food Waste in the Kitchen

I hope these tips inspired you all to rethink your normal kitchen routines. It is super easy to reduce food waste in the kitchen because it doesn’t require any more money or time. For starters, make sure you are preparing the exact amount of food you need. This can include leftovers, but make sure you eat up everything before it goes bad. I personally suggest shopping every week and creating weekly meal plans… And stick to them! If all else fails, use your compost bin. How do you reduce your food waste in the kitchen? Comment below and share your top tips on keeping it sustainable in the kitchen!

Jenna ♥

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