How to Reduce Food Waste When Holiday Cooking

Hey earth muffins! The holiday season often brings joy, gatherings, and a bountiful spread of delicious food – just like Thanksgiving did last week. Unfortunately, it can also generate a significant amount of food waste. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips to help you reduce food waste while still savoring the delights of holiday cooking.

The Top Tips for Reducing Holiday Food Waste:

  1. Plan your menu – Before you start cooking, plan your menu carefully. Consider portion sizes, dietary preferences, and the number of guests to minimize excess food.
  2. Make a list and reduce food waste while grocery shopping – Create a detailed shopping list based on your menu plan. Before you hit the store, check your cupboards for what you already have (making sure to look at expiration dates too!). At the store, stick to the list to avoid buying more than you need, reducing the likelihood of unused ingredients.
  3. Consider portions beforehand – When serving meals, start with smaller portions. Guests can always take seconds, and this minimizes the chances of uneaten food on plates.
  4. Use all parts of the ingredients – When cooking, have a plan for all parts of the ingredients. An example of this is to use vegetable scraps to make homemade broth or stock. Get creative with ideas for using parts of ingredients that are often discarded!
  5. Embrace leftovers – Design your meal plan for the week to incorporate leftovers creatively. Plan for dishes that can be repurposed into new meals, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
  6. Compost what you can – If all else fails, make sure to compost whatever food scraps are left after cooking! Fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and other organic waste can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil.
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Holiday cooking can be a delightful experience without contributing to excessive food waste. By planning thoughtfully, embracing leftovers, and adopting sustainable practices, you can savor the joy of the season while minimizing your environmental impact. Let this holiday season be not only about delicious meals but also about mindful consumption and responsible enjoyment. How do you reduce your food waste over the holidays??

Jenna ♥

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