Ways to Have an Eco Black Friday (NO Spend?)

Hey earth muffins! Black Friday, notorious for its shopping frenzy, has turned into a huge production these days. There are tons of sales which promote overconsumption (ironically) after a day of giving thanks for what we already have. However, Black Friday does present an opportunity to make sustainable choices and stay true to our sustainable values. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to have an eco Black Friday – and yes, even one that is completely no spend!

1. Just don’t go shopping!

The easiest way to have an eco Black Friday is to avoid shopping altogether. Instead of dealing with hordes of people at the mall, stay in your pajamas all day and hang out with your family! Spend time not money. The holidays are a special time of year because you get to be with people that you love, so why waste a day shopping when you can spend a day at home?

2. Take the day to make some DIY holiday gifts

Instead of shopping, you can also do some DIY projects! These make amazing gifts, so you can still get a head start on your holiday gifts by doing some crafting at home. Handmade and thoughtful gifts often have a smaller environmental footprint than mass-produced goods. Get creative – perfect a cookie recipe, DIY some gift tags, or create some handmade ornaments!

3. Go secondhand shopping only.

If you must go shopping, the following tips are for you. Sure there are sustainable things to buy on Black Friday… But the most eco-friendly option is to shop secondhand first. A lot of the thrift stores in my area will do sale days on Black Friday, so this is a great way to stay sustainable while still getting some deals.

4. Support sustainable brands only

If you end up at a mall or department store, prioritize shopping from sustainable and ethical brands only. These companies typically use eco-friendly materials, ethical manufacturing practices, and have a commitment to reducing their environmental impact. Many greenwashing, fast-fashion brands like H&M will have incredible deals for cheap clothes – avoid them at all costs!

5. Have a list and stick to it

If you just want to have a day of consumerism, you can still have a semi eco Black Friday… To balance sustainability and convenience, it is important to plan ahead. Create a list of items you genuinely need or have been meaning to purchase. Add to this list things you want to buy others for the holidays. When out shopping, stick to this list!! Avoid impulsive buying, which often leads to unnecessary consumption and waste.

how to have an eco-friendly Black Friday
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An eco Black Friday is about making intentional choices, supporting sustainable practices, and being mindful of the environmental impact of your purchases. By adopting these tips, you can participate in Black Friday while aligning your values with a commitment to a healthier planet. Choose green deals, and let your purchases reflect not just a good price, but a good decision for the environment. Will you be Black Friday shopping this year??

Jenna ♥

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  1. I’m definitely avoiding Black Friday this year. In the past, I used to enjoy stuff like that, but in recent years, I’ve stopped liking the Black Friday/Boxing Day kind of things. It is all overwhelming and I end up buying things I don’t need just because they are on sale!

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