Here’s the Sustainable Swaps You Should Splurge On This Year!

Hey earth muffins! The new year is just around the corner… And believe it or not, I’ve been on my eco journey for over 5 years now! The end of the year is the perfect time to reassess our habits and make choices that contribute to a healthier planet. In this blog post, we’ll explore my favorite sustainable swaps that I’ve made over the years; which you can easily incorporate into your daily life too! Treat yourself this holiday season and splurge on something that is going to reduce your impact on the planet. Let’s jump right into it!

1. Reusable produce bags (Amazon affiliate link)

It seems like everyone has a ton of reusable bags… So I encourage you to get some reusable produce bags too. These are such a great way to curb those annoying plastic produce bags that you can never get open. I always get compliments on mine as well!

2. Compost bin (Amazon affiliate link)

I think everyone needs a compost bin! It blows my mind how many kitchen scraps I’m able to put into this bin and divert from the landfill. My bin has been active for a little over two years and has never gotten full yet (and is already packed with nutrient dense soil). A pretty great splurge!

3. Safety razor (Amazon affiliate link)

This was one of my very first eco-friendly purchases… And I still use it every week! Splurging on a safety razor is a great way to avoid those disposable plastic razors. And, these work so much better too. Just follow these tips for shaving with a safety razor and you should be all set.

4. Hydroflask (Amazon affiliate link)

My trusty Hydroflask has been with me since freshman year of college. It keeps my water cold all day and is perfect for staying hydrated. You can even get ones that look like Stanleys as well! Such a great investment to avoid plastic water bottles.

5. Bar products!

Over the years I’ve tried many different shampoo and conditioner bars, but I’ve also swapped out my face wash to a bar product as well. While it can be pricey (at first) to swap all your bath products for bars, it is definitely a much better option for the planet. Would highly recommend these sustainable swaps!

6. Bidet attachment (Amazon affiliate link)

If you don’t have one of these already, you need to try out a bidet attachment! These are a great, low cost alternative to actually getting a bidet installed in your house. Just think of all the toilet paper you won’t have to use!

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As we embark on a new year, embracing sustainable swaps is a powerful way to contribute to a greener, healthier planet. These small changes (collectively adopted) can have a significant positive impact and inspire others to make similar swaps. Let’s make the new year be a journey towards a more sustainable and mindful way of living! What sustainable swaps will you be splurging on this year??

Jenna ♥

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