How to Pack a Suitcase: Low Waste Edition

Hey earth muffins! Summer is just around the corner – time for some fun vacations!! As of yet, I only have one major trip planned in July… But I will definitely be planning some weekend getaways too. 😍 The travel excitement always gets me once I start packing for my destination. And who said you can’t pack your suitcase to align with your eco-friendly values? Here’s your ultimate guide on how to pack your bags the zero waste way this summer!

Make a list of everything you need for the trip.

This is obviously helpful if you are doing specific activities that require certain gear… But, making a detailed list is the way to go for any trip. Think ahead to what you will be doing and also research the weather forecast too. Once you have a list, stick to it and pack only what you need. Set a rule with yourself that you will make do with what you have on the trip – no need to buy that extra sweatshirt or flip flops when you already thought ahead and packed them.

Packing what you need = bringing the smallest bag you can!

Creating a list of what you need to pack also reduces all the excess that often gets thrown in last minute. I definitely know people who bring three extra outfits “just in case”… That can result in a bunch of extra baggage getting transported to your destination! As I mentioned in my zero waste air travel post, it is definitely better to just bring a carry-on than a checked bag. Bring exactly what you need in the smallest bag it will fit in; the best (and most eco-friendly) option by far!

Reuse bottles for your toiletries.

While that matching set of mini plastic bottles might look aesthetically pleasing in your suitcase, I can guarantee you probably have old packages lying around that you can use instead. I’ve collected a bunch of small bottles over the years which are absolutely perfect. The collection of mini deodorants I tried from Pretty Frank resulted in perfect reusable jars! Or, take the time to clean out any mini bottles filled with old products instead of buying new.

Make do with the luggage you already have (or buy secondhand).

A “how to pack your suitcase” post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the actual luggage. Instead of buying a new suitcase for an upcoming trip, use one you already have, borrow from family/friends, or shop for one secondhand. If you don’t think you have a big enough suitcase, challenge yourself to fit everything in the smaller bag! 🧳 You might be surprised on how big it actually is when you stick to the basics.

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Whether you will be flying to your destination or taking a zero waste road trip, it is important to be eco-friendly about how to pack your bags. My biggest suggestion is to bring as little as possible and make yourself survive with what you already have. You’d be surprised on how little you need to have a good time! 🤩 Where will you be traveling to this summer? Comment below and let me know where I should go for a weekend trip!

Jenna ♥

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