Hey earth muffins! The third weekend of September is recognized as Clean Up the World, a time to unite together and conserve the planet. There are many different ways you can participate in this event, so there is really no excuse not to! Whether you have only a few minutes or a couple of hours to spare this weekend, there are a ton of different ways to clean up the world. Let’s jump right into it!

Organize a clean up event or join one in your area.
If you have a couple of hours this weekend, do some research if there are any clean ups happening in your area. A lot of environmental organizations will have them planned to help with this cause. Follow their instructions to sign up for the event and show up with an attitude ready to clean the planet! For those in more rural areas, you might have to head onto local Facebook groups/pages and organize your own clean up. Just let others know where, when, and WHY you will be picking up trash this Clean Up the World weekend… I’m sure others with join you! 😊
Clean up alone!
For those who can’t find any events and don’t want to organize their own, the easiest thing to do is to clean up by yourself. Take some bags to a local park and pick up trash. Head to a beach and collect plastics along the shore. Do some free weeding in a community garden. There are limitless options to what it means to “clean up” the world! Stick with your strengths to make the most impact.
Spread the word about the cause.
One person can make a difference, but multiple people make an even bigger one. Let your friends, family, and coworkers know about Clean Up the World weekend. Share what you will be doing on social media so that others can get inspired as well.
Donate to clean up organizations.
If you don’t have time to spare this weekend, you can still donate money to the mission! There is a spot to donate to Clean Up Australia on the website; but, I would recommend checking out eco-friendly groups in your area to donate to more local places if you live in the US.
Start an eco journey (if you aren’t on one already)!
Getting involved in Clean Up the World weekend is great, but it is even better to do your part for the planet all the time. To reduce your impact on the planet, I suggest trying to convert to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Start simple with easy sustainable swaps or reducing plastic consumption. There are plenty of resources online (like this blog – follow it if you aren’t already!) to help you grow into a true climate activist.

Depending on your time and/or budgetary restraints, there are plenty of ways to Clean Up the World this weekend. Join a community organization cleaning up the local river or do your own clean up in your neighborhood. If you don’t have the time, donate instead. And don’t forget to live your sustainability values every day! 🌎 ❤️ Will you be participating in Clean Up the World weekend? Comment below and let me know what you will be doing!
Jenna ♥
Oh, how wonderful! I will definitely try to do my part this week! <3