Easy Ways to Upcycle Old Oui Yogurt Containers!

Hey earth muffins! I recently decided to try Oui yogurts for the first time… These are made by Yoplait and are “french-style”, which means the yogurt is prepared in the container it is sold in. The reason I wanted to give them a try is because they come in glass jars! 😊 This is a great alternative to buying individually packaged yogurts in plastic, and they are quite tasty too! Once you eat the yogurt, there are endless possibilities on how to upcycle Oui yogurt containers… Let’s jump into my favorite options!

~Use them as containers for a packed lunch.

The first way to reuse these yogurt jars is to add them to your reusable container collection. These are perfect for packing a zero waste lunch! While they don’t have lids, I use a small piece of beeswax wrap to keep it airtight. If you make your own yogurt or buy a bulk yogurt tub, these are perfect for packing individual portions. 😍

~Use as a “catch-all” jar

These jars are compact which makes them perfect to catch small things. Use them for anything from rings to coins in your car! I am also using them as drawer organizers for small things at work, such as paper clips and binder clips.

~Upcycle Oui containers as a plant pot or mini vase!

These also make great plant pots and/or vases! For those of us into propagating our succulents, these are perfect for those tiny, baby plants. I personally love to pick a bunch of small flowers that grow in my background, so these containers make cute little vases for nightstands and/or bookshelves too.

~Make cute cocktails over the holidays.

Another great way to reuse Oui jars is to use them as repurposed drinking glasses. If you are looking to make fancy cocktails or shots during the holidays (and these can be mocktails too!), this would be a fun way to reuse glass instead of sending them to the recycling center.

~Get creative with other DIY projects!

A lot of Pinterest projects use small glass jars, so save your Oui glasses until you need them for a DIY. A friend or family member might be searching for jars like this for a wedding or party too, so give them to others as well. You can never go wrong with saving a glass jar – that’s why I literally have a hutch for just glass containers in my kitchen!

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~If all else fails, recycle it!

There you have it; so many ways to upcycle Oui containers! For those of us trying to live more sustainable lifestyles, it is important to reuse as much as possible. While glass yogurt containers are much better than plastic ones, it is still crucial to repurpose those jars. If all else fails, make sure the glass is properly recycled curbside or at a recycling center in your area. Do you eat Oui yogurts? Comment below and let me know how you repurpose the jars! 

Jenna ♥

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  1. I love these little jars and the idea of using them as small drinking glasses, I had not thought of that one. I use them to collect my loose change and then give the money to my grandkids. Thanks for a fun and informative post.

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