bookmark_borderGenusee Sunglasses Review: The Amazing Eyewear with a Circular Economy!

Hey earth muffins! When the summer sun starts shining extra bright, it is important to bust out your sunglasses to protect your eyes. 😎 I personally wear them any time I am outside during these warmer months or driving somewhere in my car. This summer, don’t just head to a local store to purchase a pair of cheaply made sunglasses… Instead, invest in a pair that is eco-friendly that will last you many years! In this post, I want to share a company that creates awesome eyewear that is both sustainable and fashionable for the summer months. Genusee sent me a pair of sunglasses to try out, and I am so excited to share this Genusee sunglasses review with you all!

What I Love About the Sustainability of Genusee Sunglasses!

First off, I obviously love this brand because it is sustainable (or I wouldn’t be sharing it with you all!). The company is based in Flint, Michigan, which is infamously known for the Flint Water Crisis. During the height of this crisis, the city of Flint used more than 20 million water bottles a day! This is a great example on how all plastics aren’t “bad” – just imagine how many plastic water bottles were used out of necessity. Instead of producing eyewear using new materials, Genusee prioritizes the use of pre-exisiting materials in their supply chain. This means each pair of sunglasses are upcycled from 15 plastic water bottles from the crisis; that is just incredible! Not only are the glasses made of recycled materials, their suppliers are all located in (or near) Flint as well. This supports local businesses in Michigan as well as reduces carbon emissions during transportation.

Genusee also has a circular economy for their eyewear. Once you are finished using your sunglasses, they actually buy them back from you – and give you a credit towards purchasing your next pair! 😊 After receiving your glasses, they evaluate the quality of them and decide between three things: recycling the material back into the supply chain, refurbishing them and reselling at a value, or donating to people in need. This Buy-Back Program is everything you would want for a closed loop system. I am so excited to know that my glasses will be responsibly put back into rotation instead of sitting in a landfill for thousands of years! 🌎 ❤️

What is Great About My Sunglasses

When picking out my glasses, it was hard for me to pick what color I wanted… Because there are so many great options to choose from! I like that the frames of the sunglasses are all the same shape (called the Roeper frames), but there is still a lot of variation. A color of the frame (such as Black) has many different colored lens to choose from. From vibrant mirror lens to Water Warrier Green frames, there is something for everyone in terms of color! After pondering what color to get, I settled on Classic Black frames with brown lens… Boring, I know, but I love a nice pair of neutral sunglasses!

I also love how these sunglasses fit. They aren’t super large and oversized like some can be, and I think the frames would look good on many different face shapes. Similar to other eyewear brands, Genusee has the option to virtually try on glasses before you purchase them. Definitely take advantage of this feature! It is helpful to see how the frames will look (hint hint: they are going to look super cute!). Plus, it can help you decide between colors as well.

Other Things I Admire About this Brand

Their sunglasses are amazing, but the company also does some pretty awesome things for Flint, Michigan as well. Like I mentioned above, the Flint Water Crisis was devastating. Genusee works with the MADE Institute in Flint to employ returning citizens/displaced workers. While there are 5 colleges in Flint, over 88% of the city’s population does not have a college degree. Genusee knows that sunglasses can be manufactured with a basic understanding of the machines used; so, they strive to creating living wage jobs to help support more Flint workers. On top of this, 1% of their profits are donated to the Community Fund of Greater Flint. These donations help the Flint Promise & Child Health and Development Fund to combat the effects of exposure to lead in drinking water. Definitely another reason to support this brand!

What Could Be Better

This Genusee sunglasses review would not be complete if I didn’t talk about price. When I review sustainable products, I always remind my fellow earth muffins that eco-friendly products are often on the pricier side. These sunglasses are no different. Each pair will cost you around $100. This is much higher than those cheap-o glasses you can find at Walmart (that break after two uses though)… But it is actually in line or cheaper than other high-end sunglasses! So, I would suggest supporting this circular economy instead of buying your next pair of Ray-Ban shades!

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Final Thoughts on this Genusee Sunglasses Review!

Overall, Genusee is a brand I would highly recommend checking out. Their circular economy is honestly what every company should strive for. I have never been more proud to share this company with you all! The sunglasses are amazing quality and come in colors for any taste. Plus, this brand actually cares about Flint and is doing its part to help those impacted by the Flint Water Crisis. While the price can be considered high, just compare it to a Ray-Ban and realize that these sunglasses are SO much better in terms of sustainability and social impact. The Genusee goal is simple: to do good for people and the planet using design and collaboration to be the change we want to see. Are you going to support this awesome company this summer? What sunglasses are you currently rocking?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderI Tried the Plastic Free July Challenge – My Thoughts

Hey earth muffins! Plastic Free July is over – how did you do?? 😊 This month long challenge is a great way to push yourself to reduce your plastic consumption. I have participated in this event for a few Julys now; I feel like each time I do it I learn new things! Now that the challenge is over, it is important to reflect on what went well (and what didn’t). If you were collecting all of your plastic waste during July, now would also be a great time to do a deep waste audit. These are awesome ways to identify where plastic sneaks into your daily life. Here are my thoughts on the Plastic Free July Challenge this summer!

The Plastic Free July challenge 2021 logo

Did I Achieve My Goals During Plastic Free July?

If you are subscribed to my newsletter, you will know I was focusing on two goals this year. First, I wanted to reduce plastic during my move. Moving across a state can create a ton of plastic waste if you aren’t careful. While I didn’t want to go into the Plastic Free July Challenge with unrealistic expectations of avoiding all of this waste, I still wanted to challenge myself! Overall, I think I did a fine job making my move as eco-friendly as possible. I reused boxes from the mail and opted for wrapping my fragiles in clothing instead of bubble wrap. But, I did use plastic tape too… Check out this guide for more tips on being sustainable during a move!

Along with the goal of reducing plastic during the move, I also wanted to stop eating out so much in July. During the move preparations, my boyfriend and I got in the habit of ordering food. This was partly because we didn’t have many groceries in the house but also because we were too tired (and lazy) from packing to want to cook meals ourselves. The week of the move, we ate out three times… Not too bad for 6 days, as we made sure to eat up all the leftovers to reduce our food waste. Now that I am living at my parents’ house, I haven’t eaten out since the move! 🎉

Why I Love this Challenge!

There are so many great things about this challenge that I listed in my “Why You Should Participate in Plastic Free July” post. For me, I love to push myself to see what I am capable of! Whether I am tracking a new habit in my planner or refusing to go on social media during Lent, I find it fun to see the positive impacts on my life during challenges like this. Plastic is an obvious problem to our environment, so I love that one month of the year the Plastic Free July Challenge inspires people to make a difference.

What Could Be Better About Plastic Free July

While a month long challenge is a great place to start reducing your plastic, it is important to remember that you should be reducing your plastic all year. I’ve seen many people join this challenge for the month and then just go right back to their typical usage of plastic when it is over. While they technically are doing the “Plastic Free July Challenge”, its main goal is to teach people about how much plastic they use – and make those lessons stick! I remember I was very new to eco-friendly living when I participated in my first challenge… And it definitely added fuel to the fire to continue my eco journey! Make sure you also strive to reduce your plastic after the challenge is over.

I think it is worth mentioning that with every popular movement, there is the opportunity for brands to take advantage of the good intentions behind it. This is true for the Plastic Free July Challenge. With so many people participating in this challenge worldwide, many companies use it as a marketing ploy to greenwash their not-so-sustainable products. It is important to look out for greenwashing during challenges like this, as you want to support the actually eco-friendly brands over ones that just flood their Instagram with green messages during the month of July. It is annoying to me that companies take advantage of newbie earth muffins during this challenge, but the best thing you can do is learn how to identify greenwashing so you can avoid it!

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Final Thoughts!

I absolutely love the Plastic Free July Challenge; it is my favorite month of the summer! This year, I wasn’t able to participate as much as I would have liked. But, that just means next year I will be ready to go all in! There are many great reasons to push yourself in July, from the alarming plastic statistics to the joys of challenging yourself to accomplish something pretty cool. Fingers crossed the lessons of the month stick with you, as you don’t want to just jump right back into living with a bunch of pesky plastic. We are looking for long-term changes here, earth muffins! Did you participate in the Plastic Free July Challenge? What are your thoughts?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderThe Remarkable Things to Do in Boston, MA: A Weekend Travel Guide to the the Beacon Hill Area!

Hey earth muffins! Today, I am back with another weekender’s travel guide! The last travel guide I wrote was back in March where I shared my thoughts on what you should do in Ann Arbor, MI. With this pandemic, I haven’t been able to write many of these in the past year…. But I am hoping to post a few of them once I start traveling again. 😊 Check out this page with all of my sustainable travel guides so far! Today, I wanted to share my recommendations from a trip I took before the pandemic started. (I didn’t want to post it during the pandemic because no one could travel, but I figured now would be a fun time to share.) Here are my thoughts on fun things to do in Boston, Massachusetts!

Two feet by a Freedom Trail marker in Boston, MA

What to Do in Boston, MA

Check out the Freedom Trail! Whether you like history or not, Boston is full of some pretty cool sites to visit. I personally love that the trail is marked with a brick path throughout the city. It makes you feel like you are almost on a treasure hunt as you walk around. One of my personal favorites is the Old North Church where Paul Revere hung up the lanterns in the window – such an iconic symbol of American history!

Take a ride in a Duck Tours… (or maybe don’t?). As someone who grew up on the East Coast, I visited Boston many times as a child. The Duck Tours are basically tour buses that end up driving into the harbor where they then turn into boats. While an iconic scene in the city, they aren’t that safe… So maybe just get a picture of one and call it a day!

Enjoy the outdoors at Boston Common. Just like any well known city, Boston has a great park to play in! This park is a great place for a picnic or to soak up some sun. The park is massive and has a bunch of fun statues to look at as well. My personal favorite is Make Way for Ducklings – which they dress up for certain holidays!

Make Way for Ducklings statue dressed up during COVID pandemic

Do some shopping at Newbury Street. There are a ton of fun little shops on this street, including well known brands but also some local boutiques. If you are traveling with someone who likes to shop, this is a great option that will take all afternoon!

Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum – and see empty frames from the infamous robbery! Whenever I travel I love to visit at least one museum. This museum is full of amazing pieces of art, as well as 13 empty frames from the pieces that were stolen in 1990. If you are interested in learning about the theft, I would highly recommend the book Master Thieves: The Boston Gangsters Who Pulled Off the World’s Greatest Art Heist by Stephen Kurkjian, which I read last year. I’ve always loved heist novels, so it is amazing to actually go to the museum and see the empty frames for yourself.

What to Eat in Boston, MA

Eat a cannoli in Little Italy! If you are by the Old North Church I mentioned above, then you are right next to Boston’s Little Italy. The streets are so quaint and adorable, and it honestly reminds me of my trip to Italy a few years ago. As a girl who loves good cannoli, I recommend checking out Mike’s Pastry. While it is a bit of a touristy location, the cannoli are totally worth it. Definitely a great snack for walking along the Freedom Trail!

Two cannoli from Mike's Pastry in Boston, MA

Find something tasty at Faneuil Hall. If you are traveling with a group of people who have totally different tastes in food, then this stop is for you! This hall is full of tons of different choices from Chinese food to pizza. It can get pretty busy during peak hours; it is best if some people order while others go track down a table. Sometimes it can be hard to find a place to eat when you have a ton of tasty food in hand!

Hit up a classic Dunkin’. Growing up on the East Coast I was around a lot of Dunkin’ Donuts. They are all over the place in Boston, so I would recommend getting a few donuts at least once. There is nothing special (in my opinion) about their drinks and pastries, but it is just an East Coast thing you have to do. 😊

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Final Thoughts!

Overall, I think Boston is a great place to visit. There is tons of history, plenty of fun things to do, and definitely some tasty things to eat. Make sure you are conscious of your choices as you travel – make your Airbnb as sustainable as possible, reduce your impact when flying, and explore the public transportation Boston has to offer instead of driving everywhere. Where will you be headed on vacation this summer??

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderHere’s Why All Plastics Aren’t Bad – The “Good” Plastics in Your Life!

Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Plastic Free July is almost over. The first half of this month was busy with my move, but the rest of it just flew by too. While Life of an Earth Muffin isn’t pro-plastics, this doesn’t mean I am against all forms of it. Meet the “Good Plastics” (and no, I’m not talking about Gretchen Wieners or Regina George)! 😂 Certain plastics, aka single-use ones, are “bad”… But there are actually plastics out there that are good for our civilization as a whole. For today’s post, I wanted to share a short list of these essential plastics; let’s jump right into it!

A woman standing behind a plastic screen

Plastics You Already Have Around the House

When you start caring about the environment and make the decision to go on an eco journey, you might be tempted to toss all plastics in the trash. But, I strongly discourage that! Odds are you have accumulated a ton of plastic in your lifetime. From plastic Tupperware in the kitchen to toys for your kids, there is a reason plastic is starting to be a problem – it is everywhere! I categorize plastics you already have into this “good” category because you can reuse it for as long as it lasts. Which, if taken care of properly, can be many years. There is no point in tossing plastics just because they are made of a certain material. The basis of an eco lifestyle is to use what you have and reduce your consumption – both can be achieved by using up the plastics already in your home. For more ideas on how to use plastics you already have, check out this guide!

Plastics Used in Health Services

I think it is safe to say this pandemic gave me a new appreciation for health care workers! It also made me think about plastics used in the healthcare industry. As I mentioned in my Will the COVID Pandemic Stop the Sustainability Movement? post, we have seen things like disposable masks littering the ground. But on the flip side, there has been a ton of plastic created during the distribution of vaccines – which I think is totally fine! A lot of plastics get tossed each day in healthcare, but this allows for sterilized instruments and literally lifesaving procedures to be performed. If that isn’t “good”, I don’t know what is!

Covid-19 vaccines, creating medical waste

Plastic Water Bottles for Areas that Need It!

If you have access to clean drinking water, there is no need for bottled water. I suggest buying yourself a stainless steel reusable water bottle and getting in the habit of carrying it everywhere. By doing this you can avoid using plastic water bottles for no reason. On the flip side, bottled water is amazing for areas that don’t have clean water! Take an example close to my home, the Flint water crisis. Without bottled water bottles, thousands of people would have absolutely no access to any clean water. This rings true for countries all over the world as well. While plastic water bottles get a bad rep, they have a good side too!

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Concluding Words about “Good” Plastics

Just like with anything, there are good times and bad times to use plastic. For an eco-minded earth muffin, I recommend avoiding plastics as much as possible… But don’t totally condemn them! There are many places where they are truly instrumental in providing clean water, non-contaminated food, and healthcare to folks around the world. Plus, you should use (and then reuse) all of the plastics you already have in your home. Mother Earth will thank you for that as we come to the conclustion of Plastic Free July. What other “good” plastics do you use in your daily life?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderAvoiding the Common Eco-Friendly Mistakes at Your Home

It’s obvious to everyone that, at this stage, it’s imperative that we do our best to change how we live. While we seem to be hurtling towards ecological disaster, there’s still time to change things. This will involve a collective effort from all parties, including corporations and individuals. However, if we’re going to take steps to improve things, then it’s important that we get things right. Alas, people often make some fundamental errors that undo some of their good work. In this post, I’m going to run through some of the common eco-friendly mistakes people make related to their homes.

The Products You Use

You’ll need plenty of products in your home in order to keep it nice and clean! But it’s important that you’re using the right products. There are many cleaning products out there that use harmful chemicals which don’t actually help. When you’re looking for products to use in your home, it’s important to look at the ingredients of the product, rather than whatever the company says on the front of the bottle. Don’t be tripped up by greenwashing! Look for a badge from an independent certifier of earth-friendly products; this is a sure sign that the product really is good for the earth.

Energy Errors

You’ll need to blow some hot and cold air around your home from time to time, as you can’t expect to live in freezing or overly warm temperatures. However, unless you’re keeping the air inside your property, then you’ll have an overly negative impact on the world. A lot of cool/hot air can be lost through old windows, for example. As such, look at getting new windows from a window replacement company. They’ll both look better and make your home better for the environment. Win-win!

Failing To Upgrade Appliances

Some people think that in order to minimize their impact on the world, they have to get as much use as possible from their existing products. But this isn’t really the case when we’re talking about your home appliances. If your appliances are outdated, then they’re probably using more energy than necessary. Newer models are much more energy efficient, plus they’re generally quieter and perform better. So if you have changed your dishwasher, washing machine, and so forth in a little while, it could be time to make an investment. Don’t forget to donate your old one to someone who wants it in your community!

Not Seeing The Potential

The good thing about trying to live a more eco-friendly life these days is that the sky’s the limit. The basics, such as recycling and being smart with your electricity use and so on, is a good beginning, but it should only be the beginning. At your home, you can look at gardening your own vegetables, for instance, or collecting rainwater. Both of these activities are kinda fun, and they allow you to go deeper into your eco-friendly ways! New ways of operating are coming out all the time. If you have an evolutionary mindset, then you’ll always be up to date with the latest eco-friendly home practices. And that’s good for everyone!

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderHow to Live an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle This Summer

The environment is an essential topic to many right now. There are many ways that you can live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, especially this summer. Some people want to save the planet, while others just want to cut their carbon footprint and energy costs. Whatever your reasons for wanting to live an eco-friendly lifestyle may be, there are plenty of things that you can do today! In this blog post, you shall find some easy steps that you can take to make the world a better place.

What is Eco-Friendly?

Eco-friendly is more than just the absence of harmful chemicals or other materials. It’s about putting in a conscious effort to use renewable sources and be mindful of your footprint on the earth.

Rent a sustainable apartment

Many people like the idea of living in environmentally-friendly housing. If you’re renting an apartment, look for one that is sustainable and eco-conscious. A sustainable apartment includes one with insulation, energy efficiency and water conservation features, like water cloud SCADA systems. There are many options to choose from so do some research before you make a decision.

Use an electric car

Many people look to electric cars as a way of living an eco-friendly lifestyle. Electric vehicles don’t need oil changes or any other type of maintenance that you might have needed with your old car. They also recharge from the electrical socket in your house, which means no more trips to the gas station.

Most people have a lifestyle that requires them to drive or use public transport for long periods of time in the day. Unfortunately, this can be harmful not only to the environment but also to your health! To combat this, it’s important to think about ways you can cut your travel times as well. One way is by living close enough to do all your essential work and shopping activities on foot.

Install solar panels at home

Solar power is an excellent way of living eco-friendly! Not only does it help the environment, but it also offers you energy independence, which is great for your pocketbook. However, it can be expensive to install solar panels at home. Hence, some people choose to invest in a hybrid system that combines solar power with other renewable energies such as wind and hydroelectricity.

Buy “green” products

It’s surprisingly easy these days to buy eco-friendly products. Many websites sell green and eco-conscious goods, as well as speciality stores in every major city! You can ask your local store if their merchandise is environmentally friendly or try buying from a provider online.

Switch your lightbulbs

There is no denying that you have at one point purchased those bright CFL light bulbs in the past. However, their mercury content can be harmful if they break or release gases into the air when burned. So why not switch to LED lightbulbs? They’re more expensive but last much longer and use less energy.

Switch your appliances

It’s important to consider the types of appliances you have in your home. If they are old, it may be time for an upgrade. On the other hand, modern appliances such as a dishwasher or clothes dryer can save you money and energy.


To live an eco-friendly lifestyle is to take care of the environment and do your part in making it a better place. By putting just some of these tips into practice, you can make your home more sustainable and healthier for those who come after you.

bookmark_borderLUSH Montalbano Shampoo Bar Review: An Easy Plastic-Free Swap

Hey earth muffins! One of the easiest swaps you can make during Plastic Free July is to start using shampoo bars. Instead of plastic bottled shampoo, these bars come with absolutely no packaging! I’ve tried many different shampoo bars over the years. Personally, I really like the bars from Lush; but, many brands are starting to offer these as an alternative to bottles. 🧼 This is the third shampoo bar I have tried from Lush, so I thought it was fitting to write a review for you all. Let’s get into my Montalbano shampoo bar review!

A picture of the Montalbano shampoo bar from Lush

What I Love About the Montalbano Shampoo Bar

Obviously the first thing I love about this shampoo bar is that it is sustainable! There are so many good reasons to choose bar products over bottled, especially since it often means there is no plastic packaging involved. Lush sells these shampoo bars with no packaging in the store. If you have to order them online, they are shipped with water-dissolvable packing peanuts. It is so much fun to watch them dissolve in the sink! If you are looking to reduce some of your plastic in the bathroom during Plastic Free July, swapping to a shampoo bar is a great idea!

I absolutely love the color of the Montalbano shampoo bar. It is bright yellow, which adds a great pop of color in my shower. I appreciate that this color also doesn’t transfer to my tub when I use the product. When using certain shampoo bars (namely the Jumping Juniper bar from Lush), the color will stain the tub a bright color. While this can easily be removed with some scrubbing when I clean the bathroom, I enjoy that this bar doesn’t leave a bright yellow mark in my shower!

This Montalbano shampoo bar review would be incomplete if I didn’t mention the smell – it is amazing! The shampoo bar has a nice lemon citrus scent, but it isn’t overpowering. When I was using the Honey I Washed my Hair bar, the scent of toffee/honey was super strong in the bathroom. While it smelled really good, I personally am one for more subtle scents. According to the Lush website, there is also rosemary in the shampoo bar. But, you don’t really get much of that when smelling the bar. Citrus is definitely the overwhelming scent!

The Montalbano bar is meant to boost shine, add subtle volume, and cleanse your scalp. I think it definitely does those things! My hair feels super soft after using this shampoo, and it definitely has been adding some extra volume to my naturally curly hair. I recently got my first post-pandemic haircut, and I chopped off a ton of my hair. This shampoo bar has been great in keeping it healthy! In terms of cleansing, I have psoriasis on my scalp which often results in extra grease…. I think this shampoo does a nice job of reducing grease too.

A picture of the Montalbano shampoo bar from Lush

What Could Be Better with this Shampoo Bar

The first con to this Montalbano shampoo bar review would have to be the big chunks of dried citrus in the bar. On each side, there are big dried pieces for decoration. While it looks pretty, it just seems like a waste to me. Those dried citrus pieces could be used for something else! Plus, it makes it more difficult to lather up with the bar. Once the pieces fall off, it seems like they could also clog your shower drain. I personally have been saving them to put in the compost bin! 😊

Along with the dried pieces of citrus, the bar itself isn’t as smooth as other Lush shampoos I’ve tried. I’m not sure what gives it a rough texture, but it is definitely not as smooth. I typically like to lather up the bar in my hands before applying to my hair. But, the texture of the bar makes it easier to just lather in my hair directly. Not a huge con to this product, but I wanted to mention it!

Lastly, to close out this Montalbano shampoo bar review, I noticed more dandruff than usual when I first started using this bar. As mentioned above, it is supposed to cleanse the scalp; so, it was probably just doing its job with my psoriasis! But, I wanted to mention it just in case you are prone to having dandruff already. You might want to opt for a different bar.

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Final Thoughts on the Montalbano Shampoo Bar

Overall, I think the Montalbano is a good shampoo bar to try! Lush has a really nice selection of shampoo bars to choose from. Especially during Plastic Free July, there is no reason to not try out a package free option. This bar smells great, looks pretty in the shower, and works! While there are huge chunks of dried citrus on it, don’t let that deter you from trying it out. What shampoo bar have you been using lately??

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderHow to Get Your Amazon Orders Shipped Plastic-Free!

Hey earth muffins! Are you sick and tired of ordering something off Amazon, and it coming in a box three sizes too big? I sure was! I thought it was so stupid that a tiny product would be shipped in a huge box surrounded by tons of plastic packaging. Sometimes, I would get a plastic bubble mailer instead. While those can be reused as bubble wrap, it is still excess plastic waste. Especially during Plastic Free July, I wanted to share with you all how to get absolutely NO plastic packaging in your Amazon orders! It is quick, easy, and effective in reducing your plastic usage. Let’s jump right into it! 📦

Steps for Getting No Plastic with Your Amazon Orders:

When you first navigate to, there is the “All” category drop down button on the top left of the screen. Click on the “All” so that you see the menu of different Amazon services and departments.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of this panel until you see “Customer Service”. It should be the second thing from the bottom of the menu. Click on “Customer Service”, and it will redirect you to Amazon Help.

Once on the Amazon Help screen, scroll down the page until you see the “Browse Help Topics” section. The very last option on this page is “Need More Help?”. When you hover over this, there are three options for you to choose from. Click on “Contact Us”.

After clicking on the Contact Us button, Amazon will redirect you to a new page. You should see a large yellow “Start chatting now” button on the left of the screen. Click on this button to start the chat! The bot will start asking you about your most recent order; so, keep selecting the option that you need help with something else. Eventually, you can opt to chat with an actual associate instead of just the bot.

A picture of a chat with Amazon staff to get orders shipped plastic free

When you get connected with an associate, ask them nicely to have your Amazon packages shipped plastic free. My message was, “I am hoping to get all of my future Amazon orders shipped plastic-free”. The associate should update your special notes and ta-da! You should now receive your orders without any plastic. 🎉

But, Does it Actually Work?

Before going through the steps listed above, I actually had placed an order on Amazon. I was curious to see how quick the “special notes” would be updated on my account. Sometimes companies can be misleading when they say no plastic packaging, so I wanted to double check it actually worked before sharing this post with you all… And I am excited to say that it does work! The three things I purchased were packaged in a paper mailer that was the perfect size for the three items. 😍 In my area, the paper mailers can be recycled just like any cardboard box too. What a huge win!!

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Final Thoughts

I can’t believe I hadn’t done this sooner! The steps to get no plastic packaging with your Amazon orders are super easy. Plus, it takes barely no time at all. I think it took about 3 minutes from the time I went to Amazon to the time the associate said he would take care of it for me. Please take the time to follow these steps and share this post with all of your family and friends. Just imagine how much plastic we would save during Plastic Free July (and beyond) by doing this!! Do you get your Amazon orders shipped plastic-free?

Jenna ♥

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