bookmark_borderWhat is a “Plant-Based” Diet? & Other Amazing Diets Defined

Hey earth muffins! A couple of years into my eco journey, I decided to stop eating meat during Plastic Free July. When I first made this decision, I wanted to see how it would affect my body and make me feel. After the one year mark, it was obvious that this was going to stick. July 2021 is the two year milestone – crazy to think all of that time has gone by! There are plenty of reasons why you should consider giving up meat as well; but, diet is an individual choice. And, there are many different plant-based diets out there to consider! For today’s post, I wanted to define some of the most popular plant-based diet options. Let’s jump right into it! 🥕

A picture of a vegetarian salad with the words Let's Talk Plant Based around it

A “Plant-Based” Diet

Surprisingly, there isn’t really one encompassing definition for a “plant-based” diet! If you consider yourself someone who follows a plant-based diet, your meals contain much more plant derived foods than things from animals. The food you eat is often less processed and a “whole food” compared to other diets. I like to think of “plant-based” as an umbrella term that encompasses all of the following terms under it. 😊 It definitely is more inclusive because it includes a spectrum of people from hardcore vegans to omnivores.


The dictionary defines a vegetarian as someone who “does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons”. Never fear – you can still get plenty of protein even without meat and fish; there are plenty of non-meat protein options! It seems like this diet is a popular option for reasons outside of helping the environment… But there is lots of evidence that refusing to eat meat helps the planet!

A stop sign with the sticker Eating Animals under it


While I have called myself a vegetarian for the past two years, I really should have been calling myself a “pescatarian”. If you consider yourself this plant-based diet, you allow yourself to still eat fish. I originally decided to become a pescatarian because I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to quit all meats right away. Now that I have two years under my belt, I am slowly moving towards being a full-time vegetarian. The Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix really inspired me to limit my fish consumption as much as possible. It is a great (but sad) documentary I recommend you all watch!


If you are also concerned about giving up meat cold turkey (pun intended), this might be the plant-based diet for you! A flexitarian is someone who centers their diet around plant derived foods, but will occasionally include meat as well. Another term for this is a “semi-vegetarian diet”. The meat and fishing industries are absolutely terrible for the planet, so many eco warriers believe that the vegetarian/vegan diet is the only way to go. But, every small change helps! If you want to eat meat a couple days each week, the flexitarian option is a great way to reduce your meat consumption. 🐄


Last but not least, the vegans! The strictest of the plant-based diets, a vegan abstains from consumption of any animal product. This includes things like eggs, milk, and even honey. Some vegans also take this past their diets and refuse animal products in everything from blankets to makeup products. While I haven’t considered a vegan diet yet, I’ve definitely had some delicious vegan food! It used to be much more difficult to be a vegan, but now there are many vegan options on the market. Definitely an awesome plant-based diet choice!

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Final Thoughts on Plant-Based Diets

If you want to reduce your impact on the planet in a meaningful way, then a plant-based diet might be for you! Whether you decide to be an omnivore or go all in as a vegan, the way you eat is an individual choice. Do what makes your body feel the best! Just like with any major change, keep tabs on yourself and monitor how you feel. It is important to keep all of your key nutrients and vitamins at good levels through eating healthy and/or taking supplements. From my experience, I’ve loved being on a plant-based diet; there are many great recipes to try (see my favorites here!)! What are your thoughts on plant-based diets?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderWhich is Better: A Bamboo or Electric Toothbrush?

Hey earth muffins! When I started this sustainable journey, I had an electric toothbrush already in my bathroom. I wasn’t sure if continuing to use it was the best option, as bamboo toothbrushes are a good alternative to plastic ones. I decided to use my electric toothbrush for a couple more years; but, a few months ago I decided to try out bamboo toothbrushes instead (affiliate link). After writing a full review on this bamboo toothbrush, I realized that it is quite confusing to think about which one is better for the environment… So, I thought it would be a great thing to write about! Here are my thoughts on which one is more eco-friendly – a bamboo or electric toothbrush?

A picture of three bamboo toothbrushes sitting in a cup in the bathroom

Both will give you similar results in terms of brushing.

I always thought that electric toothbrushes were better for your teeth… But that isn’t necessarily the truth! With a bamboo manual toothbrush, you can still brush your teeth extremely well. Regardless of what toothbrush you use, you need to also floss and take good care of your teeth overall. If you do this, you won’t have many issues them. Less issues = less dental waste at the dentist office! 🦷 Those who don’t brush properly or take care of their teeth will often find themselves having to sit through more procedures at the dentist.

You MUST dispose of your bamboo toothbrush properly!

Bamboo toothbrushes are supposed to be a better alternative to plastic ones because they won’t last thousands of years in the landfill. But, bamboo toothbrushes must be disposed of correctly or they can still cause issues. First, many of them still have plastic bristles. Make sure to cut or rip them out before getting rid of the wood handle! Once the bristles are gone, compost the bamboo. If you don’t compost it, the wood will end up in the landfill with other food waste and natural materials. Because there is no oxygen in a landfill, it will create methane while it breaks down… Definitely not something we want! Sure, it won’t last as many years as plastic, but it will emit greenhouse gases if not disposed of properly.

A picture of a hand holding a bamboo toothbrush

An electric toothbrush will last a long time.

In terms of how long a bamboo or electric toothbrush lasts, an electric one can last much longer. This is because the plastic handle can be reused again and again. However, every 3-6 months you should replace the head of the brush. These are obviously made of plastic; but, there are some eco-friendly alternatives! Some brands allow you to send back the heads to be recycled. You can get a pack of 8 recyclable heads for only $10 on Amazon (affiliate link). While sending products back to the company to recycle is a nice option, it does create more shipping emissions.

Bamboo toothbrushes don’t require any electricity use!

Electric toothbrushes either require batteries or have a rechargeable battery inside. The first option isn’t that eco-friendly because you have to change the batteries. Batteries can’t just be thrown in the trash – you must dispose of them properly! The better option would be the rechargable toothbrush. But, this obviously requires electricity use! While it doesn’t take too long to charge the electric toothbrush each time, it is still pulling power off the grid. Sure, there are other ways for you to get electricity (ie. solar), but most people don’t have that option.

Electric is often more costly!

In the bamboo or electric toothbrush debate, price is also something that must be considered. In terms of overall cost, the bamboo toothbrush is much cheaper. For the brushes I bought, you get 5 for only $9 (affiliate link). While some electric toothbrush heads are a similar price point, the actual electric toothbrush is a costly investment up front. There is also a large range of prices too – I’ve seen toothbrushes anywhere from $30 to $200!

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Final Thoughts: Bamboo or Electric Toothbrush?

Looking at all the pros and cons of the bamboo or electric toothbrush decision, I think it really comes down to each individual person! I personally love my bamboo toothbrush for a bunch of reasons; but, I think you could definitely still be eco-friendly with an electric toothbrush. If you opt for bamboo, make sure you dispose of it properly! For those fans of electric, choose recyclable heads and take the effort to send them back to the company! For everyone, make sure you take good care of your teeth so that waste in the dentist office can be minimized. 😊 What toothbrush do you use currently?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderThe Ultimate Guide to Recycling Properly! ♻️

Hey earth muffins! While recycling isn’t the perfect solution to saving the planet, it is better than having plastic end up in the landfill. I urge you to choose reduce and reuse before recycle; but, it is still good to get in the habit of recycling. This is especially true if you have a great recycling plant near you! 😊 I am lucky enough to live in a place where most things can be recycled. So, I have created a list of my top tips for you all. Here is the ultimate guide to recycling correctly and effectively!

A picture of a blue recycling bin, with the recycle symbol on the side

Don’t be a “wishcycler” – know what you can actually toss in the bin!

Depending on where you live, certain things can and canNOT be recycled. This normally depends on the size/location of your recycling plant. Avoid being a “wishcycler”, defined as someone who adds an item into the recycle bin without knowing if it can actually be recycled. While the act itself is in good spirit (hoping that the item can be recycled), this can lead to issues at the recycling plant. For accurate information on what can be accepted, consider reaching out to an eco-friendly center like Corridor Recycling, which offers comprehensive recycling services and can guide you on the right items to recycle. Take the time to learn what your recycling center actually accepts. While it can be hard to throw away something that could be recycled in another city, it prevents against ruining a batch of recycling or having staff at the center throw it away for you. You bought the item, so you need to dispose of it correctly!

Make sure your recyclables are clean and dry.

Back in 2020, I wrote about how NOT to recycle. In that post, I mentioned that you need to avoid throwing any dirty or wet items into the recycle bin. This is a must if you are trying your best to recycle properly! Having nasty pieces of food in metal cans or sticky drops of soda in glass bottles is a no-no. Exactly how are food particles, water, etc. “recyclable”? Precisely – they aren’t! Take care to dry off any items you wash off.

Learn how to identify the different types of plastic!

Just because an item has the “recycle arrows” on the bottom does NOT mean it can be recycled! ♻️ I had no idea about that until I started my eco journey a few years ago! The number inside the arrows can be used to identify what type of plastic the item is made from. If your local recycling center takes plastics #1-4, do NOT recycle any #5 plastics. This is also helpful when you are shopping; only buy the types of plastics that you know can be recycled in your city! If you are interested in learning more about how to identify plastics, check out this helpful article.

A picture of a recycling guide for Kent County

Keep your recycle bin full of loose items.

Unlike trash, you do NOT want to use plastic bags for your recycling. An essential tip for this guide to recycling: your bin should be full of loose items! This will ensure that the machines do not get stuck on small items such as plastic bags. Plus, it helps with sorting materials to ensure they are all recycled properly. If you have a bag full of metals, glass, and plastic, how can you be sure all of the items get separated? I live in an apartment building, which means we have a shared recycle bin downstairs. I carry my recyclables down in a paper bag and then dump out the bag into the bin before also throwing in the paper bag. My parents have a small recycle bin in the kitchen that gets dumped into a larger bin in the garage – do what works best for you!

Make sure you return cans/glass bottles to a can return.

If you live in a state with a bottle deposit, take those cans and bottles to the can return! Firstly, you get money back just by returning the cans. And, the can returns already have partnerships with companies who will take the returned cans/bottles for recycling. This guarantees that your recyclables are being reused, which is the whole aim of recycling to begin with! If you are looking for a way to make some extra money, getting cans from people in your neighborhood is a nice way to earn a few extra dollars as well.

Stay conscious of your plastic choices; recycling shouldn’t be your first choice!

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, recycling shouldn’t be your first step on your eco journey. It is crucial to reduce your consumption to avoid plastics to begin with! It is currently Plastic Free July, so take some extra steps this month to limit your plastic intake. Check out my top 10 easiest sustainable swaps if you are stuck on what to tackle first!

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Final Thoughts on This Guide to Recycling

I hope this guide to recycling was helpful for you all! While not the best option, recycling is a good place to start for any newbie earth muffins. 😊 The most important thing is to know what your local recycling center accepts! Once you know the rules, only recycle dry, clean, and acceptable items. It’s as easy as that! After you master recycling, make sure you spread these tips to your family and friends too. I know I’ve definitely had to teach people the correct ways of recycling. Do you recycle??

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderHow to Have a Zero Waste Fourth of July

Hey earth muffins! I can’t believe the 4th of July is already here. It seems like just yesterday I moved into my apartment around this time last year… And (surprise!) I am actually getting ready to move again! With my job being virtual, my boyfriend and I are moving home to save up some money to get a house. Pretty exciting stuff! 😊 While the 4th of July won’t be “typical” this year due to Mister Corona, I wanted to share my tips for how you can have a zero waste Fourth of July. Get ready to party! 🎆

A picture of a man holding a glowing sparkler

If you have a party or BBQ, make sure to use reusables!

I love to celebrate long weekends with some sort of BBQ meal; it reminds me of family celebrations growing up. Regardless of the number of people you have at your house, make sure you stay away from single-use utensils, plates, and cups. I am sure you have plenty of these items in your kitchen already; if not, have your family/friends bring their own cups for the night! Especially since it is Plastic Free July, you definitely do not want to use plastics when there is an easy alternative.

Have plant-based options as well.

There are many tasty options when it comes to plant-based BBQ. From jackfruit pulled pork sandwiches to veggie burgers and hot dogs, make sure you have these as an option! Even for people who haven’t reduced their meat consumption yet, you might be surprised that they want to try out a veggie option. 🥕 If you are feeling like a chef, you can even make your own veggie patties from things like beans, quinoa, and breadcrumbs. I’ve been able to create some pretty tasty burgers in the past, so get creative in the kitchen to have a zero waste Fourth of July!

Make sure you have a recycle station at your party or BBQ!

Many people like to relax with some sort of cold beverage over the long weekend. If you are providing said drinks, make sure to opt for glass or metal cans that can be recycled in your local area. When setting up for your celebration, have recycle bins readily accessible near every trash can. This will ensure more people will remember to toss the cans or glass bottles into the right bin!

A picture of a blonde girl wearing a red, white, and blue plaid shirt

Thrift your red, white, and blue!

I personally think it is fun to wear red, white, and/or blue to celebrate the 4th. But, this can be difficult if you don’t have any of these colors in your closet. Instead of going out and buying something to wear for just one day, borrow from a friend or family member. If none of your friends have anything, then you can check to see if there are any cute items at the thrift store. Make sure you will wear it on a “normal” day too! As I mentioned in my St. Patrick’s Day post, you don’t want to buy a super “themed” shirt that can only be worn on 1 day during the year.

If you want to celebrate with fireworks, go to a city-wide event.

Fireworks aren’t great for the environment; but, many people can’t go without them on the 4th of July. Do NOT buy your own fireworks – go to a local city’s firework show instead. The show is going to take place with or without you in attendance, so why shoot off your own and create more of a negative environmental impact? Plus, a city-wide event is often much more extravagant than something in your backyard. And of course, you won’t accidentally shoot off a finger. 😬 Also avoid things like sparklers or poppers – they create a ton of excess waste!

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Final Thoughts on How to Have a Zero Waste Fourth of July

It is totally possible to have a great day of celebration without creating more issues for Mother Earth. When having parties and BBQs, take care to use reusables and have plenty of meatless options available. If you are celebrating with beverages, make sure to recycle all cans and glass containers. In terms of fireworks, just go to the city’s show. Much easier and a better alternative than putting on your own backyard event. How will you be celebrating a zero waste Fourth of July this year?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderWhy You Should Participate in Plastic Free July!

Hey earth muffins! It’s crazy to think that I’ve been participating in the Plastic Free July Challenge for a few years now! I’ve written different posts around the month-long challenge, from easy plastic-free swaps to waste audits at the end of the month. But, I haven’t actually written anything specific about why you should want to participate in Plastic Free July. I highly encourage you all to give it a try this year – what do you have to lose! 😊 Here are the top reasons you should participate in Plastic Free July!

A picture of the Plastic Free July Challenge 2021 logo

We need to start doing something about plastic.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that plastic is a huge issue. Anywhere you look (in a city or in the middle of nowhere) there is plastic littering the planet. And that is just horrible! Regardless on your stance on climate change or sustainability, it is obvious that plastic is a problem. There are tons of statistics to back up this fact as well. While many of them cause me eco-anxiety, I’ll share some of the most eye-opening ones:

  • 50% of all plastics produced are single-use.
  • Plastic waste is growing at an annual rate of 9%. Just imagine how much trash our kids will have to deal with!
  • Approximately 91% of plastic is not recycled

Not good stats, right? Trust me, if you do some Googling it is truly terrifying and sad. It is clearly obvious that we need to reduce our usage of plastic… So, why not challenge yourself to avoid plastics during July! 🌎

It’s easy to make changes!

Another reason why you should participate in Plastic Free July is because it is easy to start making changes. I’ve stressed this again and again on Life of an Earth Muffin. Every small swap makes a difference! It doesn’t take a lot of time, money, or energy to start reducing the plastic in your daily routine. This blog has shared a ton of great tips over the years, so I hope you can use it as a resource! If you want some other tips for making easy changes, I suggest looking at the list of ideas on the Plastic Free July website as well.

You don’t need to give up all plastics to participate!

A picture of the Plastic Free July challenge sign up form

When you sign the pledge to join in on the challenge, there is NOT the expectation that you will forever avoid plastic. There are options for every type of person! If you don’t think you are at the point in your eco journey to avoid all plastics for a month, great. Just choose a few areas of your life to focus on. Don’t think you can avoid plastics due to your job or lifestyle? I challenge you to avoid just one plastic this month! You also don’t have to do the challenge for the full month either – tailor it to your needs and comfort level! But, there is no excuse to not try… I know all you Earth Muffins can do it!

We are stronger together.

Last July, 326 MILLION people took part in this challenge! Spread out across 177 countries, that is an awesome feat and a lot of people! While small changes can make an impact, just imagine the results of 326 million people making those small changes. The number of participants is great, but there is still room for more people to join in. Only 29% of people polled online actually knew about Plastic Free July… Just imagine how much more the impact would be if 600 million people decided to join in! 🎉

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Final Thoughts – I Challenge You All to Participate!!

Plastic Free July is an awesome challenge. It really opens your eyes to how much plastic subconsciously gets incorporated into your daily routine. Once you have to actively think about every choice, you realize that you can impact the world for the better with easy swaps. 😊 The stats around plastic pollution are pretty brutal, so I urge you all to push yourself this July. We are stronger together and can make a powerful difference – take the plastic-free challenge today!

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderThe Best Thrift Stores in Grand Rapids, MI

Hey earth muffins! After I moved out of my college apartment last summer, I wrote a post about my favorite thrift stores in Ann Arbor, MI. Now that I’ve settled into a whole new city, I thought it was time to share my favorite thrift stores in the Grand Rapids area! Mister Corona hindered many of my secondhand shopping plans this past year or so; but, now that I am fully vaccinated I’ve been able to get back into thrifting again. Let’s jump right into my favorite thrift stores in Grand Rapids! 🎉

A picture of a thrift store

Rustic Market – 389 68th St. SE

Over the years of perfecting my thrifting routine, I have found that small, local thrift shops often have great finds. This is totally true for Rustic Market. The store is volunteer run and has a nice “local” vibe to it. While the clothing selection isn’t very big, the rest of the store makes up for it. As soon as you walk in, the front of the store is dedicated to secondhand finds for the upcoming holiday(s)… I’ve found some really cute decor here! They also have a nice card selection for various occasions and events. Would definitely recommend shopping around if you are in the area!

World Mission Thrift Store – 2640 Burlingame Ave SW

If you are looking for a huge thrift store, this is the place to go! One of my top tips for thrifting is to look in every single department. Even if you don’t think you will find anything in the men’s clothing, you might actually find some really great stuff. Each section of the store is huge, with a lot of fun stuff to look through. I personally go here when I am looking for some home decor, as they have aisles dedicated to frames, holiday decor, kitchenware, etc. You can find some awesome things here!

Salvation Army – 4281 28th St. SE

I’ve always preferred Salvation Army to Goodwill; but, this is totally an opinion. There are a ton of great Goodwills in Grand Rapids too! I like this Salvation Army because they have a huge clothing department. I’ve found some great pieces here, including some high quality brand names. I remember shopping here during an internship a few summers ago… I found a Carlos Bakery t-shirt and was stupid enough to not purchase it. Definitely regret that every time I shop here. 😂 This location is on 28th Street, which means there are tons of other stores around it – perfect for a day of shopping!

Estate Sales Warehouse – 3524 E Mall Dr SE

While not technically a “thrift store” I had to include this place, as it is relatively close to the Salvation Army I mentioned above. This warehouse sells a bunch of random things from estate sales. While there aren’t a lot of clothing items, there are treasures galore. From furniture to kitchenware to baskets, you can find plenty here! It has rummage sale vibes for sure. I often head here if I have nothing in particular to buy but an itch to thrift… And usually find something super cute for my apartment. 😊 Definitely on my list for the best “thrift” stores in Grand Rapids!

Warehouse One Antiques – 449 Century Ave SW

While this is an antique store, I had to include it on the list anyway. Thrifting and antiquing have very different stereotypes, but I love them both the same. This is a HUGE antique mall; it has two floors and spans an old furniture factory downtown Grand Rapids. It is awesome – just make sure you have a lot of time to look at everything! Each booth is different, and I’ve found plenty of clothes (mostly vintage) among furniture, housewares, and anything else you can think of. Super fun place to go with friends because there is something for everyone.

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Final Thoughts on the Best Thrift Stores in Grand Rapids

While there are a ton of other great secondhand stores not mentioned on this list, I wanted to share some of my favorites. I am hoping once Mister Corona settles down even further I’ll be able to thrift shop a bit more this summer… But, no promises! If you are interested in seeing thrift hauls or cute secondhand finds, feel free to follow me on Instagram! What are your favorite thrift stores currently?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderThe 10 Easiest Sustainable Swaps I’ve Made So Far!

Hey earth muffins! Now that I have a few years of low waste living under my belt, I wanted to share a post about some of the easiest swaps I’ve made on my eco journey. Some people are turned off by eco-friendly living because it requires changing their ways… And they just don’t want to do that. But, I’m here to tell you that many sustainable swaps are super simple – which means you should have no excuse to not make them in your life! 😊 Without further to do, here is my list of the 10 easiest sustainable swaps!

A picture of a cartoon earth with the words Save the Earth over it

1. Reusable bags & produce bags

This is honestly the easiest swap to make! Most people have accumulated reusable bags even if they aren’t on an eco journey. So, time to start using them to avoid plastic bags! This is a great swap to make for the upcoming Plastic Free July as well. I personally like to store mine in my car, because then I never have to worry about forgetting them when I go shopping. I highly recommend getting some reusable produce bags too! Those flimsy plastic bags for fruits and vegetables are a pain to open and a pain to Mother Earth.

2. Reusable water bottle

Another swap that is super easy – a reusable water bottle! I have been using my Hydroflask for many years now, and it is still in great shape. When swapping to a reusable, I would select metal bottles over “BPA free” plastic ones… Plastic still degrades over time, so I wouldn’t trust it for long-term use.

3. Safety razor

If you have been following Life of an Earth Muffin for some time (which if you aren’t, you definitely should!), you will know that I love my safety razor! 😍 This is one of the first swaps I ever made on my eco journey… And it is still one of my favorites. For only $15 on Amazon (affiliate link) you can buy a razor that will last you many years. Don’t be intimidated by a safety razor either – they are super easy to shave with and give me a much better shave than crappy plastic razors.

4. Reusable food storage

To make your kitchen a bit more eco-friendly, try using mason jars, metal containers, or other containers for food storage. When you are taking lunch to work or school, opt out of Ziploc bags for these reusables instead. I even have some reusable “Ziploc” bags, which are great for packing zero waste meals on the go!

A picture of a shampoo bar from Lush

5. Shampoo bars (& other bar products)

Bar products are obviously better than bottled products for many reasons. I personally also love how they look in my bathroom – much cleaner than hideous, brightly colored bottles. Making the switch to shampoo bars, conditioner bars, bar soap, etc. is super easy… And you get to try out some awesome new products! I’ve tried a bunch of different bar products before, so feel free to check out those reviews here.

6. Reusable straws

While I personally don’t use straws that often, it is one of the easiest sustainable swaps you can make! For those who get Starbucks every day, this will reduce a ton of waste. There are a bunch of reusable straw options from stainless steel to glass. I personally got a set of stainless steel straws from my company when I started working there last September. And then I invested in some metal boba straws as well (affiliate link), because I love to treat myself to bubble tea every once in awhile.

7. Zero waste period products!

For 50% of the population, periods create a lot of waste. A great swap is to use a menstrual cup, period panties, or reusable pads instead of the typical tampons or pads from the store. It also protects you from the harmful chemicals in these products too! I’ve tried a menstrual cup in the past and have plans to try out reusable pads in the future; but, there are a bunch of other ways to keep your period zero waste!

A picture of a menstrual cup with flowers spilling out of it

8. Secondhand clothes

Make an easy swap to secondhand clothes by shopping at thrift stores instead of the mall! One of my favorite parts of being on this eco journey is starting to shop secondhand – it is so much fun. 😊 The hunt for unique pieces is thrilling, and my style has evolved to be exactly what I want it to be. No more fast fashion for me!

9. Reusable cotton pads & Q-tips

There are many single-use items in the bathroom that can easily be swapped for more sustainable options. Take cotton pads for instance – why throw them away each time when you can get reusable ones that just need to be thrown in the wash? Cost effective, and it just makes sense! The same goes for Q-tips. Brands like Last Object make reusable Q-tips that reduces the waste created in the bathroom.

10. Composting!

I wasn’t able to make this swap until last year, but it is super easy to do! There are many options to compost; for me, I have a composting service that picks up my compost bucket every two weeks. Once I move out of this apartment and into a house, I hope to have a composting bin in my backyard. Amazon has some really great options for under $90 (affiliate link)! Food waste is a huge problem in our world. Once you start to compost, you will be astonished at how much food you were tossing in the trash!

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Final Thoughts on Easy Sustainable Swaps

It isn’t as hard as you’d think to start making sustainable changes to your life. For those who don’t know where to begin, this is a great list of places to start. From shampoo bars to cotton pads, swapping single-use products for reusables is going to 1) help the planet a ton and 2) simplify your life for the better. While there are hundreds of swaps that can be made, I hope this list of the easiest sustainable swaps is helpful! What are your favorite sustainable swaps you have made so far?

Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderGreat Eco-Friendly Wedding Gifts to Give This Summer

Hey earth muffins! Wedding season is upon us. 💒 Summer is a very popular time to get hitched, which means you might find yourself spending a few weekends celebrating couples in your life. I’m a sucker for a good wedding – so much romance! Plus, it is totally possible to have a sustainable wedding if that is important to you. On the flip side, even if you are just a guest at a wedding it doesn’t mean you can’t keep your green values alive! Today, I will be sharing a list of my favorite eco-friendly wedding gifts to give this summer. 🎁 Let’s jump right into it!

A picture of a newleywed couple holding hands in their wedding outfits

~Money or a gift card

While this might not seem like a “special” gift, it is definitely a pratical one. The couple will be more than happy if you give them some cash to spend on whatever they choose! To make this gift even more green, try thrifting the wedding card or buying it from a local business as well. If you don’t think money is a good enough gift, get them a gift card (or e-card) to use on their honeymoon! This could be for Airbnb to help out with housing costs or for an experience you know they will love. If you really want to get creative, you could even give them money/gift cards for 12 experiences that they can do throughout their first year of marriage. A great way to gift them dates for a year!

~Stainless steel, glass, or wooden kitchen utensils

Many wedding registries include houseware and kitchen items for the couple’s new house or apartment. If they have any items on the list that are made of sustainable materials, purchase them! Having good kitchen products made of high quality materials (like stainless steel, glass, or wood) will allow them to have them for a long time. Makes for great eco-friendly wedding gifts for sure! It’s a nice way for them to think of you whenever they are cooking a delicious meal too. 🍳

~Artwork from Etsy for their new home/apartment

While not an entirely sustainable gift option, I suggest supporting small business Etsy artists for the happy couple. Many shops on Etsy sell art that is made to order, which reduces the possibility of creating extra waste. Plus, Etsy offsets all carbon emitted during their shipping process! There are many great pieces to choose from, but here are some of my top recommendations:

  • Dried flower art – you could use some flowers from the wedding bouquet or centerpieces!
  • Custom painting of the church the couple was married in
  • Spotify QR code art – when scanned, this can take you to the first dance song!
  • Custom painting of the couple in an art style that will match their new home
A picture of custom QR code art for the first dance of a wedding

~Soy wax candles

Soy candles make a great gift, especially if the couple already lives together before getting married. If they already live together, they often already have many of the typical house/kitchen products on registries… So get them some amazing candles to spruce up their home! Soy candles are much more sustainable than paraffin wax ones; plus, I find that they often have better scents! You can buy soy candles almost anywhere now as well; try looking at some local small businesses or ordering some off Etsy.

~A care package of your favorite eco swaps!

If you know the couple is interested in making their house more green, create a gift box of all your favorite eco swaps! This eco-friendly wedding gifts post cannot be complete without a plug for a nice care package. 😆 From bathroom products to kitchen utensils, there are so many options to customize a gift that you know they will love (and more importantly, actually use). I suggest going the extra mile and packing the gift in a compost bin – saves on single use wrapping paper AND adds another practical gift to your present. It will be the talk of the wedding for sure! 😊

~Potted plants for their home

While not a gift for everyone, houseplants make a great gift if the happy couple has a green thumb. I suggest picking a plant that is easy to grow or has a high probability of staying alive… Wouldn’t want a dead plant reminding them of their wedding!

The best eco-friendly wedding gifts to give this summer pinterest pin
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Final Thoughts About Eco-Friendly Wedding Gifts

This wedding season, be conscious about the gifts you are giving! Even if the wedding itself isn’t sustainable, you can ensure that your contribution to the event is. While not really that special, money and gift cards are always a great option. If the wedding registry has some sustainable housewares, definitely scoop those up! Even if they aren’t on the registry, I think soy candles and plants are excellent gifts to give as well. Or, you can go the creative route and invest in some customized artwork for the couple’s new home. What eco-friendly gifts will you be giving this upcoming wedding season?

Jenna ♥

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