bookmark_borderHow to Have a Plastic Free Tailgate for Football Season!

Hey earth muffins! Football season is upon us (which my fiancé doesn’t let me forget – I swear there is some sort of football game on every night lol!). Tailgating is a cherished tradition in football culture, bringing fans together to celebrate their favorite teams. However, it often generates a substantial amount of plastic waste. This post will provide you with tips to host a fun, plastic free football tailgate without any need for plastics.

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bookmark_borderWhat is Wishcycling? (And How To Avoid It)

Hey earth muffins! Recycling is an essential practice that helps conserve resources and reduce waste. However, an increasingly common phenomenon known as “wishcycling” has emerged, undermining the effectiveness of recycling efforts. To avoid wishcycling and contribute to more effective recycling practices, here are a few things to keep in mind:

So, What is “Wishcycling”?

“Wishcycling” refers to the act of placing items in the recycling bin with the hope that they will be recycled, even if they are not accepted or recyclable in your local recycling program. While the intention behind wishcycling is often positive, it is definitely the way to NOT recycle. It can lead to contamination, higher costs, and ultimately undermine recycling systems. It should be avoided at all costs!

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bookmark_borderAmazing Eco-Friendly Water Balloons Alternatives To Try This Summer!

Hey earth muffins! When the weather gets warm, water balloon fights are a popular way to cool off and have fun in the sun. However, traditional water balloons are single-use items that generate a significant amount of plastic waste. In addition, it is super annoying to clean up all the plastic remnants they leave behind! Thankfully, there are eco-friendly alternatives that allow you to enjoy water play without the negative environmental impact. Here are some fantastic options for eco-friendly water balloons to try out this summer!


Instead of using water balloons, try sponges! They are awesome because they soak up a bunch of water and won’t pop on impact. A quick dip in some water means they are ready to go again! You can even cut up some sponges into strips and tie them together to make sponge bombs as well.

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bookmark_borderIs That Paint?! RMS Beauty Eyelights (in an Innovative Aluminum Tube)

Hey earth muffins! If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen a recent haul I did from the Tera app. In this haul was an adorable little tube of eyeshadow from RMS Beauty…. I’ve had plenty of time to test this product out and wanted to share my thoughts with you all today. Keep reading for a full review of the RMS Beauty eyelights cream eyeshadow (affiliate link)!

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bookmark_borderIs BPA Free Plastic Actually Safe?

Hey earth muffins! Whether we like it or not, plastic is everywhere. I’ve been seeing things labeled as “BPA free” a lot more recently, which got me interested in the health around BPA and plastics. From doing some research, I thought it was a fascinating thing to write about… So let’s jump into a quick discussion on BPA and BPA-free plastics!

What is BPA?

BPA, also known as Bisphenol A, is a chemical used to make certain plastics since the mid-1900s. The plastics that often have traces of this substance are used in containers to store food and drinks (like water bottles). Now you might be asking, why is it bad? I’m not a scientist myself, but there is tons of evidence out there about BPA seeping right into the food and drink stored in those containers. Exposure to certain amounts of BPA can lead to numerous health effects on the brains of infants and kids. Not only that, studies show it can also lead to increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is safe in low levels, I personally would rather not expose myself to those risks.

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bookmark_borderA Recap of Plastic Free July

Hey earth muffins! The start of August means the Plastic Free July challenge is over. Did you participate this year?? Ever since I started my eco journey, the amount of single-use plastics has drastically decreased in my daily life. But, the PFJ event is a great way to refocus on breaking the habit of using pesky plastics. In today’s post, I will be sharing my personal recap of this month long challenge.

What I Was Aiming to Do

Before the month of July, I had been getting lazy on my sustainable journey. I think this stemmed from a few things:

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bookmark_borderHow to Host a Plastic Free Morning Tea

Hey earth muffins! Plastic Free July starts tomorrow – will you be participating this year?? One of the popular activities to do during July is to host a plastic free morning tea. ☕ According to the PFJ website, these teas are “a tangible and delicious way to get others involved and start having conversations around plastic free ideas, sharing solutions and making a real difference together”. I mean, who wouldn’t love to have a tea party?! In today’s post, I will be sharing my top tips for how you can host a plastic free morning tea during PFJ!

1. Make sure you have zero waste tea and/or coffee!

Tea (and talking about plastic use) is obviously the central part of this event… So make sure you have zero waste coffee and tea! I’ve written a whole post on how to reduce plastic when brewing your hot beverages. My top tip is to buy yourself a stainless steel tea infuser. There is no need for tea bags when you can opt for loose leaf tea instead!

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bookmark_borderHow to Eat Less Plastic

Hey earth muffins! When you read the title of this blog post, you might have thought I made a mistake… Unfortunately, you read it correctly. Whether you know it or not, you actually ingest microplastics on a daily basis. This article suggests that we might eat a CREDIT CARD worth of plastic each week. 😳 Scary, right? Our society’s obsession with plastic is resulting in it everywhere – even the fetuses of unborn children! In today’s post, I will share some of my top tips for reducing the amount of plastic that gets into your body. Here’s all my thoughts on how to eat less plastic!

Avoid plastic water bottles at all costs.

Going completely plastic-free is a challenge because we use plastics in many aspects of our lives. However, I think this is a simple step everyone can take to reduce the microplastics we consume. Plastic water bottles are bad because (1) they cause a ton of pollution and (2) they leach microplastics into your water. Instead, opt for reusable water bottles! Always choose metal bottles over reusable plastic ones as well; I have a trusty Hydroflask that I carry with me everywhere. Reserve single-use plastic water bottles for emergency situations (a great example of when plastics aren’t all bad)!

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