bookmark_borderHow to Host a Plastic Free Morning Tea

Hey earth muffins! Plastic Free July starts tomorrow – will you be participating this year?? One of the popular activities to do during July is to host a plastic free morning tea. โ˜• According to the PFJ website, these teas are “a tangible and delicious way to get others involved and start having conversations around plastic free ideas, sharing solutions and making a real difference together”. I mean, who wouldn’t love to have a tea party?! In today’s post, I will be sharing my top tips for how you can host a plastic free morning tea during PFJ!

1. Make sure you have zero waste tea and/or coffee!

Tea (and talking about plastic use) is obviously the central part of this event… So make sure you have zero waste coffee and tea! I’ve written a whole post on how to reduce plastic when brewing your hot beverages. My top tip is to buy yourself a stainless steel tea infuser. There is no need for tea bags when you can opt for loose leaf tea instead!

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