The bidet, a fixture traditionally popular in many parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, is gaining traction in other regions, including North America. Known for its hygienic properties, the bidet offers an alternative to traditional toilet paper and is an excellent option if you are trying to make your bathroom more eco-friendly. But, is a bidet truly better than toilet paper? This post will compare the benefits of bidets and toilet paper, considering environmental impact, hygiene, cost, and comfort. Let’s get right into it!
Read More ➥Tag: swaps
bookmark_borderAmazing Eco-Friendly Water Balloons Alternatives To Try This Summer!
Hey earth muffins! When the weather gets warm, water balloon fights are a popular way to cool off and have fun in the sun. However, traditional water balloons are single-use items that generate a significant amount of plastic waste. In addition, it is super annoying to clean up all the plastic remnants they leave behind! Thankfully, there are eco-friendly alternatives that allow you to enjoy water play without the negative environmental impact. Here are some fantastic options for eco-friendly water balloons to try out this summer!

Instead of using water balloons, try sponges! They are awesome because they soak up a bunch of water and won’t pop on impact. A quick dip in some water means they are ready to go again! You can even cut up some sponges into strips and tie them together to make sponge bombs as well.
Read More ➥bookmark_borderNo Tox Life Dish Block: A Worthy Zero Waste Swap??
Hey earth muffins! When I started my eco journey all the way back in 2018, I started a list of sustainable products I wanted to try. The No Tox Life dish washing block is one of the items on this list (affiliate link)! 😊 I recently purchased it through the Tera app and have been trying it out. If you are looking to make a simple swap in your kitchen for a more zero waste home, keep reading for a full review of this product!

What I Love About the No Tox Life Dish Block
First up, I (obviously) love that this is a sustainable dish bar. Instead of using dish soap in a plastic container, you can opt for this bar instead. Bars are much better than bottles for the planet; I absolutely love that this is an easy zero waste swap. The dish block comes in a recyclable box which makes it plastic-free as well!
Read More ➥bookmark_borderThe 10 Easiest Sustainable Swaps I’ve Made So Far!
Hey earth muffins! Now that I have a few years of low waste living under my belt, I wanted to share a post about some of the easiest swaps I’ve made on my eco journey. Some people are turned off by eco-friendly living because it requires changing their ways… And they just don’t want to do that. But, I’m here to tell you that many sustainable swaps are super simple – which means you should have no excuse to not make them in your life! 😊 Without further to do, here is my list of the 10 easiest sustainable swaps!

1. Reusable bags & produce bags
This is honestly the easiest swap to make! Most people have accumulated reusable bags even if they aren’t on an eco journey. So, time to start using them to avoid plastic bags! This is a great swap to make for the upcoming Plastic Free July as well. I personally like to store mine in my car, because then I never have to worry about forgetting them when I go shopping. I highly recommend getting some reusable produce bags too! Those flimsy plastic bags for fruits and vegetables are a pain to open and a pain to Mother Earth.
2. Reusable water bottle
Another swap that is super easy – a reusable water bottle! I have been using my Hydroflask for many years now, and it is still in great shape. When swapping to a reusable, I would select metal bottles over “BPA free” plastic ones… Plastic still degrades over time, so I wouldn’t trust it for long-term use.
3. Safety razor
If you have been following Life of an Earth Muffin for some time (which if you aren’t, you definitely should!), you will know that I love my safety razor! 😍 This is one of the first swaps I ever made on my eco journey… And it is still one of my favorites. For only $15 on Amazon (affiliate link) you can buy a razor that will last you many years. Don’t be intimidated by a safety razor either – they are super easy to shave with and give me a much better shave than crappy plastic razors.
4. Reusable food storage
To make your kitchen a bit more eco-friendly, try using mason jars, metal containers, or other containers for food storage. When you are taking lunch to work or school, opt out of Ziploc bags for these reusables instead. I even have some reusable “Ziploc” bags, which are great for packing zero waste meals on the go!

5. Shampoo bars (& other bar products)
Bar products are obviously better than bottled products for many reasons. I personally also love how they look in my bathroom – much cleaner than hideous, brightly colored bottles. Making the switch to shampoo bars, conditioner bars, bar soap, etc. is super easy… And you get to try out some awesome new products! I’ve tried a bunch of different bar products before, so feel free to check out those reviews here.
6. Reusable straws
While I personally don’t use straws that often, it is one of the easiest sustainable swaps you can make! For those who get Starbucks every day, this will reduce a ton of waste. There are a bunch of reusable straw options from stainless steel to glass. I personally got a set of stainless steel straws from my company when I started working there last September. And then I invested in some metal boba straws as well (affiliate link), because I love to treat myself to bubble tea every once in awhile.
7. Zero waste period products!
For 50% of the population, periods create a lot of waste. A great swap is to use a menstrual cup, period panties, or reusable pads instead of the typical tampons or pads from the store. It also protects you from the harmful chemicals in these products too! I’ve tried a menstrual cup in the past and have plans to try out reusable pads in the future; but, there are a bunch of other ways to keep your period zero waste!

8. Secondhand clothes
Make an easy swap to secondhand clothes by shopping at thrift stores instead of the mall! One of my favorite parts of being on this eco journey is starting to shop secondhand – it is so much fun. 😊 The hunt for unique pieces is thrilling, and my style has evolved to be exactly what I want it to be. No more fast fashion for me!
9. Reusable cotton pads & Q-tips
There are many single-use items in the bathroom that can easily be swapped for more sustainable options. Take cotton pads for instance – why throw them away each time when you can get reusable ones that just need to be thrown in the wash? Cost effective, and it just makes sense! The same goes for Q-tips. Brands like Last Object make reusable Q-tips that reduces the waste created in the bathroom.
10. Composting!
I wasn’t able to make this swap until last year, but it is super easy to do! There are many options to compost; for me, I have a composting service that picks up my compost bucket every two weeks. Once I move out of this apartment and into a house, I hope to have a composting bin in my backyard. Amazon has some really great options for under $90 (affiliate link)! Food waste is a huge problem in our world. Once you start to compost, you will be astonished at how much food you were tossing in the trash!

Final Thoughts on Easy Sustainable Swaps
It isn’t as hard as you’d think to start making sustainable changes to your life. For those who don’t know where to begin, this is a great list of places to start. From shampoo bars to cotton pads, swapping single-use products for reusables is going to 1) help the planet a ton and 2) simplify your life for the better. While there are hundreds of swaps that can be made, I hope this list of the easiest sustainable swaps is helpful! What are your favorite sustainable swaps you have made so far?
Jenna ♥
bookmark_borderEasy Sustainable Swaps to Make this Plastic Free July
Hey earth muffins, I hope everyone has been enjoying the first half of Plastic Free July! It is crazy to think that the challenge is almost 50% over; but don’t worry, that is plenty of time to continue your sustainable journey! 😊 When I became passionate about reducing my impact on the planet, I often got asked what sustainable swaps are “easiest” to make first. As many of you may be starting your own adventure towards living low-waste, I thought I would share the best (and budget-friendly) switches you can make today!
3 Sustainable Swaps Everyone Should Make!
~Buy yourself a safety razor! I cannot recommend one enough. You will save money in the long term by avoiding the need to purchase another razor; plus, you will prevent a ton of disposables from ending up in the landfill. They are easy to use and give such a nice shave! The razor blades can last for quite some time, and you can buy a pack of 100 for only $7.

~Invest in some reusable produce bags. I feel like most people come across reusable bags from college events, conferences, etc. but it is nifty to have some for produce or bulk bin shopping. They are cheap, can be thrown in the washing machine, and save you from using those single use plastic bags at the grocery store. 🎉 Click on the images below to check out my favorites!
~Switch to bar bathroom products! I’ve raved about why I use bars over bottles in the past, and I will continue to do so to avoid the plastic that comes with many bath products. It is easy to find bar products now: homemade soaps at the farmer’s market, shampoo bars from Lush or on Amazon, even specialty websites like Ethique! Make sure you use up your plastic bottles before switching.

2 Easy Swaps You Can Make!
~Buy reusable cotton swabs. I don’t use Q-tips to clean my ears (I prefer either using water or a metal ear pick). But, I have an acne cream that has to be applied with a cotton swab. I decided to purchase a set of reusable cotton swabs to ensure I wasn’t creating any excess waste! My skin is quite prone to break outs if I’m not careful; I definitely wasn’t about to give up the cream that works! Check out companies like Last Swab or knock off Amazon versions (which do tend to be cheaper!).

~Find an alternative to saran wrap! I got a comment regarding replacement options for plastic wrap on my post about what to do with old plastics in your home. There are quite a few easy sustainable swaps you can make. My faves are beeswax wrap, silicone covers, reusable Ziploc bags, and reusing containers you already have! If you are interested in any of these, click on the picture below to learn more 🙃
All in all, there are SO many easy sustainable swaps you can make during Plastic Free July! 😁 These were some of the first ones I made, so I highly recommend. I also featured some other swaps on my Instagram account; make sure to check that out as well! What are you doing to stay sustainable this Plastic Free July?

Jenna ♥