Hey earth muffins! Back in 2019 I wrote a post about the 10 things I stopped buying due to my sustainable lifestyle. While some of these aren’t true anymore due to moving in with my boyfriend, it is the price you pay for living with someone who is less eco-consious. However, a bunch of items on that list I still haven’t bought since then! 😍 A lot of time has passed; so, I thought it would be fun to share 10 more things that I no longer buy due to low waste living. Let’s jump right into it!

1. I stopped buying Tupperware.
I really should say I never bought Tupperware to begin with… My eco journey started in college, so when I was moving into an apartment I avoided all plastic Tupperware. It blows my mind that people spend money on containers to hold their food. Instead, I usually use mason jars that have been gifted to me from family and friends. I have quite the collection right now, and my grandpa has a bunch of boxes for me once I am fully immune from the second COVID vaccine. I also reuse plastic tubs from the grocery store after I finish the food inside (I have so many Greek yogurt containers!). This makes me feel less guilty when there are no glass packaging options at the store. I’ve never once missed having Tupperware around!
2. Bottled shampoos
It seems like I talk about shampoo bars often on this blog. But there is a reason for this! It is such an easy swap to trade your plastic bottles for a bar product. Not only are bars better in general, I absolutely love them! I’ve found a lot of success with Lush products, but many brands are now offering shampoo bars. I personally also think my shower has such a minimalist aesthetic without those ugly plastic bottles. 😊
3. Hair ties!
Isn’t it crazy that I haven’t purchased hair ties for many years? When I was in middle school I purchased a container of those mini clear plastic hair ties for braids and such… And I still have about half that pack in my bathroom right now! I feel like many girls just lose their hair ties with the thought that they will just buy more. But that is so wasteful! I make sure to keep track of them so that they don’t end up on the ground. Once I end up having to buy again, I will opt for plastic-free options like these from Kooshoo (affiliate link). I was gifted some Kooshoo ties a few months ago, and they are amazing!
4. I stopped buying drugstore makeup.
Even before my work from home days, I minimized my makeup routine to just concealer and mascara. When I started my journey towards low waste, I learned that makeup contains a lot of bad ingredients. I have some strong opinions about the FDA’s approval of women’s products, but I don’t want to get into that in this post. After I learned what makeup contains, I no longer buy any drugstore makeup. There are a bunch of awesome zero waste/sustainable brands out there (CleanFaced Cosmetics on Etsy is my current fave) – support those instead!

5. Fabric softener/dryer sheets
I stopped using fabric softener when I wash my clothes and honestly can’t tell a difference. This allows me to avoid another plastic bottle! Instead of dryer sheets, I use reusable dryer balls. I found mine at TJ Maxx a couple of years ago, but you can find them anywhere. Amazon has a bunch of woll dryer ball options, such as these (affiliate link). Definitely would recommend making this swap!
6. Home decor (that isn’t secondhand!)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can find anything secondhand! I don’t find myself buying home decor often, but if I do it will always be thrifted. There is no fun in having the same Target decor as everyone else in your city; unique pieces make your house totally your own. 😄 Check out thrift stores, antique malls, even Facebook Marketplace and you are bound to find something that you absolutely love. I have even found some great holiday decor secondhand as well!
7. Aluminum foil/parchment paper
In my last 10 Things I Don’t Buy Anymore post I mentioned that I don’t buy plastic wrap… So I would like to expand that to aluminum foil and parchment paper too. My sister’s old roommate gave her a package of aluminum foil in college; she never used it, so she passed it to me about two years ago. I still have it and use it every once in awhile… But once it is gone I don’t see the need to buy it again. Instead, get a silicone baking mat (affiliate link)! My roommate left hers when she moved out last year, so I took it with me to my new apartment. It is already well loved in my kitchen. Avoids single use waste and works like a charm!
8. I stopped buying books
Some people like to listen to books, others like to read them on their Kindle. I personally love to support my local library by checking out books whenever I can! As I mentioned in my Less is More Challenge post, I got rid of some books during my decluttering. I don’t even remember the last time I purchased a book… Must have been a required textbook when I was in college. 😬 Definitely things I stopped buying when going green.
9. Cleaning chemicals
During Mister Corona, it seemed like my parents (and my boyfriend’s parents) would randomly give us Lysol wipes and other cleaning chemicals. Plus, my boyfriend and I both brought cleaning supplies to the apartment when we moved in together. This has resulted in a large collection of cleaning solutions… When I have been wanting to swap to DIY recipes! I no longer buy them, but this influx will probably take some time to reduce. I am definitely looking forward to (finally) using them all up!
10. Eco products I don’t need!
I feel like it is tempting to buy a bunch of zero waste “aesthetic” products when you make the switch to sustainable living. I’m here to tell you to avoid that temptation! Why buy something when you can use what you have? Or, why buy something that you won’t even use? Even if something is eco-friendly, that doesn’t mean you need it in your life. Overall, I have been able to cut out a lot of things after I started my sustainable journey. What have you been able to cut out of your life?

Jenna ♥