bookmark_borderChloe Ting Ab Workout Schedule ~ My Inspired Routine to Stay Fit!

Hey earth muffins! Back in July I did something totally out of the ordinary and tried a 2 week Chloe Ting Ab Challenge. While I didn’t do this to lose quarantine weight or anything like that, I wanted to see if my body would feel better and stronger…. And it did! I loved my experience with the challenge; so much so, I created a whole “Chloe Ting” ab workout schedule for myself inspired by this challenge. 😁

A picture of a girl doing a plank ab exercise

At the end of my post about my experience with the 2 week ab challenge, I mentioned how I might try out another challenge for my legs or arms… And I am currently 13 days into a 21 day Lean Arms Challenge! 😬 As this has been impacting my ab inspired workout, I thought I would talk about this program first.

What Chloe Ting Challenge I Am Doing Now

I used to have super great upper body strength when I participated in athletics growing up. Sadly, this strength has slowly disappeared. After seeing amazing results with Chloe Ting’s ab challenge, I figured it would be fun to see if some of this strength would return. To focus on my arms, I picked out the Lean Arms Challenge. While I thought it would focus mainly on my arms, it also emphasizes abs and toning…. Gives the workouts a lot of variety!

A picture of the Chloe Ting Lean Arms Challenge schedule

If you follow the link to the challenge schedule, you will see that each day there are 2-4 videos to complete. This is a lot more challenging than the ab workouts, as that was only a single video. I am 100% sweating by the time I complete my videos for the day… But I feel SO incredible after! My arms and back muscles are feeling so much stronger than usual; I hope to continue to see results! Once this challenge is over, I will be adding another arms inspired schedule for myself similar to the Chloe Ting ab workout schedule I will be sharing with you all next. πŸŽ‰

My Chloe Ting Inspired Ab Workout Schedule

After doing the 2 week ab challenge, I knew what exercises I liked and what worked best for me. I used this knowledge to make my own ab plan, aimed at keeping the abs Chloe Ting so graciously gave me. πŸ˜‚ If you also create your own workouts, make sure you don’t just pick the “easy” exercises! You obviously will hate certain exercises because they are challenging – so keep them in your workout routine!

So, without further to do, here is my “quick and easy” ab workout routine:

  • 25 crunches
  • 20 Spiderman planks
  • 25 Russian twists
  • 10 In and Outs
  • 40 seconds of plank with hip dips
  • 40 second plank
  • 25 Bicycle crunches
  • 30 Mountain climbers
  • 25 Heel taps
  • 5 Straight leg crunches
  • 50 squats

If you aren’t sure what a certain exercise looks like, I suggest checking out the original video to see:

What About Cardio??

Now after looking at the routine you might be questioning if I do any cardio as well. Fun fact about me: I hate cardio because I HATE sweating. But, I know it is honestly one of the best things you can do in terms of working out. πŸ™„ I try to take long walks as often as possible – my usual walking pace is faster than the average Joe’s, but I try to force myself to walk even faster to keep my heart rate up. I also live on the 7th floor of my apartment building and have decided to take the stairs 90% of the time. This is obviously good for my legs and heart, so I would highly recommend doing this easy thing if you also live on a high floor of your building!

Overall, I am pretty proud of myself for actively working out this year. I never exercised in college, so this is a great change of pace for me. πŸ˜€ Plus, I feel amazing!! What have you been doing to stay fit?

Chloe Ting ab workout schedule
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Jenna β™₯

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