bookmark_borderA Hey Humans Plastic-Free Deodorant Review

Hey earth muffins! In my recent 8 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Find at Target post, I mentioned that they carry a wide selection of plastic-free deodorants. I have tried and reviewed the Native deodorant, so once that ran out I thought it was the perfect time to try another plastic-free deodorant on the market. šŸ˜Š I’ve absolutely loved the Hey Humans toothpaste that comes in an aluminum tube… So I was hopeful I would find success with their sustainable deodorant as well. Let’s jump right into my Hey Humans deodorant review!

Hey Humans plastic-free deodorant tube in scent Lavendar Vanilla

What I LOVE About Hey Humans Plastic-Free Deodorant

Obviously I love that this deodorant is plastic-free. From the time I started my eco-friendly journey, I have tried deodorants that came in anything from jars to tubes… And I think plastic-free tubes are the easiest to apply! Especially if you are new to the sustainability sphere, the design of this deodorant is not too far off from what you would be used to using. I try my hardest to support brands that are truly planet friendly; I love that Hey Humans has only plastic-free containers for their deos. Add on that they use aluminum tubes for their toothpaste and you can’t go wrong!

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bookmark_borderWhat Natural Deodorant Should You Use? Baking Soda, Charcoal, Zinc, oh my!

Hey muffins! Back when I was just starting my sustainable journey, I remember looking at natural deodorants for the first timeā€¦ And being SO confused as to which kind would be the best place to start. There are many different types of natural deodorants to use: magnesium, zinc, baking soda, and activated charcoal: which one should you start with? Thanks to Pretty Frank, I will be sharing my thoughts on this topic today! I have worked with this company numerous times in the past, and they were kind enough to send me trial size versions of each type of deodorant to try them out for you all.

What Natural Deodorant to Use? -The Evaluation Criteria

For each type, I will be answering these questions:
Question 1. Why choose this type over other natural deodorants?
Question 2. How does it apply to the underarms?
Question 3. How long does it last? Does it actually work? (Note: as these are natural deodorants, they are made to prevent smell NOT sweat. Read all about this in my armpit detox post if you are confused!)
Question 4. How does the armpit feel after use?

Activated Charcoal Deodorant in Seaside

A picture of activated charcoal natural deodorant

Question 1: When you switch from a deodorant that is aluminum based (aka one that prevents you from sweating), your armpits will go through an ā€œarmpit detoxā€ when you start using natural deodorants. This detox will differ for each person, but I didnā€™t experience much from it. As charcoal is known to draw out toxins, you might want to try this kind when switching to natural. It might make your detox period take less time! šŸ˜ƒ

Question 2: This deodorant applies very easily and is the perfect consistency. It isnā€™t too soft or hard, which makes it quick and simple to apply.

Question 3: This deodorant lasts all day! I was a tad concerned that it was a black color and would transfer to my clothes, but I havenā€™t had any troubles with that. Just make sure to let your pits dry for a minute or so before putting on your shirt! My pits smell nice and fresh throughout the day, but (with any natural deodorant) I would recommend reapplying if you are planning on doing any heavy exercising. Asthey donā€™t prevent against sweating, it is important to think ahead and not let your sweat wash away the scent protectant!

Question 4: My pits have felt great after using this type. I havenā€™t noticed my skin being dry and the black color hasnā€™t dyed my underarms a darker shade (which is always good haha).

Baking Soda Deodorant in Lavender

A picture of baking soda natural deodorant

Question 1: It is no surprise that a natural deodorant classic uses baking soda. Baking soda is often used in sustainable, homemade recipes as it has amazing cleaning qualities. In terms of deodorant, it does an excellent job of neutralizing odors. However, some people with sensitive skin find that baking sodaā€™s pH is too much for their body which can lead to extra dry skin.

Question 2: This deodorant applies very easily, but it is a softer consistency compared to the activated charcoal. It also feels a tad grainy (which is obviously the baking soda). But, I havenā€™t had any issues with its application!

Question 3: This product lasts all day! The lavender scent is stronger than the other scents I tried out, so I was more “aware” of when this deodorant was working for me. Again, it doesnā€™t prevent any sweat, but it definitely kept me smelling nice all day!

Question 4: For me, I didnā€™t experience any negative side effects after using the baking soda for a long time. I donā€™t have sensitive skin on my body (just on my face of course), which probably helped with the whole pH thing. If you are concerned that your skin might react, I would definitely recommend getting the trial size from Pretty Frank before getting a full size. For only $4, you canā€™t go wrong!

Zinc Natural Deodorant in Woodlands

A picture of zinc oxide natural deodorant

Question 1: This type of natural deodorant uses zinc oxide, which is a natural mineral that has antimicrobial, skin-soothing, and anti-odor properties. If you arenā€™t able to use baking soda, this might be a good place to start!

Question 2: This deodorant is by far the softest of the types, which made it a tiny bit more difficult to apply. I also noticed that it was stickier than the other types, but it wasnā€™t a big deal after it dried. I did a full review on some zinc deodorant in the past, so check it out for more details! šŸ‘

Question 3: Again, this lasts all day! Pretty Frank has a lot of zinc deodorant scents; if you tend to have stronger odors, I suggest using a stronger scent like lavender.

Question 4: My pits never got dry or sensitive when using this type. šŸŽ‰

Magnesium Deodorant in Unscented

A picture of magnesium natural deodorant

Question 1: If you have very sensitive skin, this is the product for you! The magnesium hydroxide is perfect for eliminating odors without any possible skin irritants. But, that will limit you on scent as this type of natural deodorant only comes in unscented.

Question 2: I would say this formula is the thickest and ā€œhardestā€ of the others, so it would sometimes clump off (and onto the floor) before I had the chance to rub it in. This is easily solved by applying small sections at a time.

Question 3: This definitely lasts all day! I was worried that, because it is unscented, it wouldnā€™t cover up any nasty smellsā€¦ But this doesnā€™t seem to be the case. Even at my smelliest moments the deodorant will turn the odor into a slightly sweet smelling scent; it does the job!

Question 4: This deodorant didnā€™t make my pits dry or anything like that. If you have found your body reacting negatively to baking soda, then I would highly recommend giving this a try!

Overall, I absolutely loved trying out all of these different types of natural deodorants from Pretty Frank. Many people are scared to switch to something more eco-friendly in this department because IF the product doesnā€™t work, then everyone around you will know. šŸ˜¬ So, when thinking about which of these types is my favorite I would have to say the Baking Soda Lavender! The texture of the deodorant, its smell, and its ability to last all day made it my perfect fit. However, everyoneā€™s body is different, so I hope this post can guide you all into what natural deodorant to use. What type will you be trying next?!

A picture of four containers of deodorant with the words natural deodorants: the essential guide on top
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Jenna ā™„

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