There are plenty of ways you can reduce your environmental footprint by making smart choices when it comes to your diet. Whether you have decided to be on some sort of plant based diet or not, another great option is to focus on local and seasonal foods. Local foods are often fresher, tastier, and more nutritious than their long-hauled counterparts. Plus, buying local helps to bolster your local economy and conserve energy used in transportation. Here’s a straightforward guide on ways to incorporate local foods into your daily meals.
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bookmark_borderWhy You Should ALWAYS Buy Local Food This Summer
Looking to make your diet more sustainable? Try eating more local foods! In recent years, the movement towards buying local food has gained significant momentum. Whether it’s shopping at farmers’ markets, joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, or choosing locally sourced options at grocery stores, there are numerous benefits to choosing local food. And you don’t even need to switch to a plant based diet! Keep reading for all the benefits of local eating – here’s why you should always buy local food!
Read More ➥bookmark_borderHow to Reduce Food Waste When Grocery Shopping!
Hey earth muffins! Food waste is a big problem for the planet. A lot of uneaten food heads to the landfill each day; without proper ventilation, this doesn’t break down properly like it would in the compost bin. There are plenty of ways to reduce food waste in your own home, but did you know you can also reduce this waste when you are grocery shopping?! Keep reading for the easiest ways to reduce food waste before you even leave the store!

Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste While Grocery Shopping:
The first suggestion is to buy single bananas. 🍌 These are often just thrown out by grocery stores… And that actually creates a ton of food waste! The single bananas are usually in a pile on the end of the banana display; instead of buying a bunch, take from the singles stack instead. I personally buy a few to eat during the week and then some extra singles to put into the freezer. You can either pop them into the freezer to use for banana bread or slice before freezing for smoothies or a topping on oatmeal/overnight oats.
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