bookmark_borderHow to Tie Furoshiki Wraps (An Alternative to Wrapping Paper!)

Hey earth muffins! Christmas is just around the corner and holiday shopping has begun. ๐ŸŽ„ Instead of using disposable wrapping paper to wrap your gifts, I highly suggest trying out furoshiki wraps instead. These are a great reusable alternative and are much better for the environment. Let’s jump into a guide on what these wraps are AND how to wrap presents with them.

So, What Are Furoshiki Wraps?

Furoshiki wraps are pieces of fabric that are used to wrap gifts. While you can buy specific furoshiki wraps, there are plenty of things you can use that are already around your house. Old fabric scraps, bandanas, scarves, etc. Get creative and use what you already have before buying any furoshiki wraps this Christmas. Using these wraps are obviously better for the planet because they can be reused every year and don’t require the usage of any new resources to produce.

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