bookmark_borderModernKind Shampoo Review: A Refillabe Zero Waste Powder You HAVE to Try

Hey earth muffins! I’m a sucker for trying out new things… So I was super excited when ModernKind reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try out their new refillable, zero waste shampoo powder. Of course I did! After I used up the rest of my current shampoo bar, I started using it right away… Keep reading for a full ModernKind shampoo review!

What I Love About this Product!

The first thing I love about ModernKind’s shampoo powder is that it is truly zero waste. The powder comes in a metal bottle that can be either 1) refilled with their refill packs or 2) reused/recycled. The refill packages are compostable AND the packaging is all recyclable when it is shipped to your house. The brand definitely cares about the planet, and it shows!

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