Hey earth muffins! Last month was Veganuary, where you were challenged to try a plant-based diet. Did anyone successfully complete the challenge?? As a vegetarian myself, it can sometimes be daunting to go out for dinner. Most menus still contain a majority of meat products, which limits plant-based options. However, I have learned that it is actually quite simple to eat plant-based when you go out to dinner. And you don’t just have to eat salads either! 😊 Here are my tips for eating at any restaurant if you are following some sort of plant-based diet.

Set yourself up for success.
If possible, do your research before you go out to eat! It is much better to know what you are getting yourself into instead of just showing up at a random restaurant and expecting it to be easy to find something to eat. A great tip for starting a plant-based diet is to try out the app Happy Cow. This app shows how “plant friendly” a place is, which can be helpful when deciding where to go out to eat. Once you do your research, select a restaurant that has more plant-based options than others!
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