Review: Pretty Frank Vanilla Lavender Lotion Bar

Hey earth muffins! In the past, I have done some sponsored reviews for Primal Pit Paste and have loved everything I have tried from this company. I was quite excited when they recently reached out to me again, as they have now re-named themselves as Pretty Frank. After searching through the products that I have not tried, I was curious to try out the new Vanilla Lavender Lotion Bar. They were kind enough to send it my way, so I will be sharing my thoughts on the product with you all today!

What I Love
*It is plastic free! It is no secret that I have been trying to avoid as much plastic/unnecessary packaging since starting my journey towards living a sustainable lifestyle in 2018. Lotion containers irritate me because 1) they are made of plastic and 2) you often can’t get everything out of the bottle (which can impact their ability to be recycled). This product comes in a cardboard box, which can be recycled. I love that the product itself is “naked”, as it resembles some of Lush’s products. I love that companies are starting to realize that it is important to reduce the waste of their packaging!

*Perfect for all your moisturizing needs without being greasy. I also am not a fan of typical lotions because they are often quite greasy…. Who else can’t open doors for a solid 5 minutes after rubbing in some lotion? So annoying! This bar is awesome because it moisturizes but doesn’t get that greasy layer on your hands (or wherever you apply it). Especially in a time when we are washing our hands more, it is so important to keep your skin healthy and moisturized!

*Easy to apply! I was interested to see if it would be harder to apply a lotion in bar form, but it is quite simple. All I do is take the bar and rub it over the area of dry skin and rub it in with my fingers for a minute or so. Again, the fact that it doesn’t leave behind any greasy residue is so great for me – definitely a huge bonus!

*Equivalent price to other lotions. This bar is only $10 (or $8.50 if you get a plan to ship every 1-3 months). While I have only been using it a few weeks, it seems like it will last for a long time as you don’t need a ton of product for each use. Lotion, in general, can be pricey, but I think this is a good bang for you buck!

*Fast shipping (even in quarantine!). I was talking with my contact at the company (shoutout to Katie!) right when all of the stay at home orders were first put into place. And my product still got to my house super-fast!

*Smells amazing! Honestly, who can hate the scents of vanilla and lavender together? Lavender is such a calming scent for me, so I love applying this lotion right before going to bed as it helps me go to sleep. I am not sure if Pretty Frank is going to release more scents in the future, but it wouldn’t surprise me. If vanilla and lavender aren’t your thing, keep an eye out!

What Could Be Better
*The circle shape could be a square. As the cardboard box is a square, it would seem like the bar itself could be a square as well. Even though the circle shape is easy to roll over the skin when applying, it might be easier storage wise if it were a square instead (even though I just kept the box it came in and haven’t had any storage issues yet).

*It came wrapped in wax paper. While the box itself is recyclable, the bar was also wrapped in a small square of wax paper. This can’t be recycled, so I made sure to reuse it before throwing it away. I would have loved to see this wax paper be just normal paper that could be recycled! : )

Overall, I have been loving Pretty Frank’s Vanilla Lavendar Lotion Bar! If you are looking for a more sustainable option than your typical plastic bottle lotion, I would definitely recommend giving it a try. I look forward to trying more Pretty Frank products in the future! What lotion are you currently using while in quarantine?

Jenna ♥

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