Hey earth muffins! Halloween is almost here 🎃 While you might not be able to celebrate the way you usually do, there are still alternative options! One of my favorite ideas from my recent post is to host a virtual costume party. But, with any costume party you need one thing – a great costume!! Never fear, there are many great tips for having a sustainable costume; in this post, I will be sharing my favorite tricks for keeping your Halloween costume ideas green! 🌎 ❤️

Where to Sustainably Source Your Costume
–Try to piece together your own costume from things in your closet. You don’t need to buy an actual “Halloween costume”…. Just get creative and put together a look that is awesome! Last year I did this for my Mary Poppins look – and it turned out amazing. You’d be surprised at what you can find in your closet. 😀
–If you want a full costume, look at your local thrift stores! One of my favorite secondhand shops has a whole section of used (and even new) Halloween costumes for sale. Goodwill will often carry new products that are leftover inventory from other companies; check to see if your local Goodwill has some options!
–Ask your friends and family what costumes they have. You might be surprised at what people have in the back of their closets or in the basement. I know my dad has a bunch of random costumes from themed days at work; so I bet you might be able to find a full look to borrow for the night! This is also helpful if you are looking for Halloween costume ideas for your kids. Kids grow out of clothes fast, so it even might be a relief for your friend to get rid of something taking up space in their home.
–If you have the skills, trying sewing your costume! Most secondhand stores sell fabric, which would be perfect in constructing a new ensemble. I suggest going to a local thrift store for fabric (instead of a chain like Goodwill or Salvation Army), as I’ve found they have a better selection to choose from! This could definitely make a difference depending on what costume you are creating.

Other Ways to Keep Your Halloween Costume Ideas Eco-Friendly!
–Try to buy items for your costume that can be worn again! If you don’t have all the pieces in your own wardrobe, thrift the rest. I did this for my Mary Poppins costume; the top and skirt that I bought are perfect to wear to work after Halloween.
–If you are DIYing, avoid things like glitter or puffy paint. You want to make sure that you can either reuse the costume again or wear it on a day-to-day basis. Puffy paints usually get brittle and break off in the wash; glitter is just horrible in general haha. Pick fabric paints or paint pens instead!

–In terms of DIYs, also try to source your supplies secondhand! See what you already have in your craft bin(s), borrow from friends, find on Facebook Marketplace, or hit up a local thrift store that has lots of art supplies. There is no need to buy anything new for a costume you are going to wear for a few hours max. 👻
–Don’t forget to think about what you are going to do with the costume after the party! DO NOT THROW IT AWAY. If the pieces can be put back into your closet, then make sure you wear them. If it is a full costume, maybe keep it for next year, donate it, or save it to pass on to a friend. Keep the reuse cycle alive!!
There are so many ways to keep your Halloween costume ideas sustainable this October 31st. I hope these tips were helpful as you brainstorm what costume you want to create. What are you going to be for Halloween this year??

Jenna ♥
Thanks for sharing them. Great ideas.
I love the simple ghost sheet look : ), simple yet effective. And if you are able to construct a Halloween costume from what is in your wardrobe then that’s even better. I hope you have a great weekend Jenna : ) xo
I agree – a simple ghost look is totally cool! 🙂
These are some great ideas. We usually make costumes from our own clothes or re-use one of the ones we’ve purchase in the past. My dad has an Uncle Fester costume that he re-uses every year.
Another fabulous post Jenna, chock full of awesome ideas too. It makes my head ache seeing all of the costumes being bought every year at work (I work retail) mostly made in china from some nasty nylon material and lots of plastics and no doubt also mostly at some point ending up in landfill 🙁
What happened to the fun of making your own costumes? As a child I never had a bought costume, but every year I had the most fun dressing up. One year I wore a cardboard box with holes cut in the sides for my arms and one on top for my head to go through. The box had been covered in silver (aluminium) baking foil and had pieces of red crepe paper on all of the sides spelling out “OXO” I had a red sweater on, red tights and shoes. I was a little OXO stock cube 🙂 The box was then used to store my toys as I remember. Happy memories 🙂
If we could only bring back the fun and the creativity of using what we have, as you said, a little imagination and there are all kinds of costumes waiting to be discovered and created in wardrobes and cupboards. This is such a great post Jenna, thank you for sharing, hugs xx
ps: The ghost photo is awesome! It’s full of atmosphere and very spooky x
These are wonderful suggestions! The last few years, I have tried to take pieces from my closet for my costumes. (An oversized sweater and a fluffy scrunchy for Ariana Grande or all pastel items to go with unicorn makeup.) Not only is this sustainable but it also is affordable!
These are such a smart and great tips. Thank you for sharing.
New Post – https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/10/dr-brandt-xtend-your-youth-face-cream.html
Your ideas are amazing, i don’t really celebrate halloween but if i did i’d try to do a diy!
kisses 🙂
My blog – Lalabetterdayz
Very thoughtful ideas!
Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn
You suggested so many great ideas! I’ve reused my clothing pieces to create past costumes and even sewed my own costume for Halloween one year. ♥