How To Be A Sustainable Pet Owner

If you’re committed to living sustainably and reducing your impact on the world, then it can be easy to become a bit derailed with this mission if you have pets. It seems that every time you turn around there is more mess or packaging needed. But, never fear! There are ways you can practice sustainability as a pet owner. I’ve listed a few of them in this post.

Have your cat or dog neutered

It’s an unfortunate fact that there are many unwanted pets in shelters all over the world and not enough people to adopt them. One stray female cat could potentially be responsible for over 300,000 kittens within two years if each of those then go on to have kittens as well.

Adopt don’t buy

As already mentioned, there are so many pets in need of good homes. You can find almost any breed of dog if you look hard enough. So, if you have your heart set on a particular breed, don’t assume you need to go to a breeder! 

It’s not just cats and dogs that need homes either. You can find most types of animals including rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, and horses by using adoption.

Use sustainable products and food

There are a number of companies setting up ethical and sustainable pet brands in response to pet owners who are having trouble finding these products. From things like aquarium plant earth bed to recyclable packaging and ethically sourced pet shampoo, there are now a lot of choices on the market. Whenever you need something for your pet, look at sourcing sustainable and ethical products wherever you possibly can!

Buy in bulk

Every time you drive to the store to get something for your pet (or order it online to be delivered), there is a journey being made that can contribute to CO2 emissions and road congestion. Wherever possible, order your items in bulk! Then they can all be delivered at the same time, reducing unnecessary journeys and emissions.

Pass on your items to other pet owners

If you’re looking to throw away some of your dog’s old toys, coats, or accessories, why not pass them on to someone else or donate them to a shelter? They’ll get a second life and will be kept out of landfills!

Look up ethical companies

You’re probably already very careful about where you buy your own food and other products; but, can the same be said about the items you buy for your pet? Research companies carefully to see whether they operate in a way that you agree with. This could be in terms of how they treat their employees, how they source their products and their sustainability practices.

Final Thoughts

There are so many upsides to owning a pet and it doesn’t have to be incompatible with your sustainable lifestyle. There are many ways that you can reduce the impact that you and your pet have on the planet. Supporting ethical brands is a great way to let the big retailers know that they need to change; convenience and price aren’t the only driving factors for pet owners.

Jenna ♥

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  1. This is such an awesome post!!! Furbabies are such an important part of so many peoples lives and it’s so good that they can be on their family’s sustainable journey too. I’ve pinned this to my furbaby board Jenna, I hope that’s ok? Heaps of hugs and thank you for sharing xx

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