How to Be Sustainable at the Amusement Park This Summer

Hey earth muffins! Along with summer road trips, an amusement park is a typical place to visit during the hotter months. While visiting a park is a thrilling (and enjoyable) experience for people of all ages, there are environmental impacts to consider. From energy consumption to waste generation, a trip to the amusement park has the potential to create a lot of excess waste. But, don’t worry! It is possible for you to have a greener and more eco-friendly amusement park adventure. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the rides while minimizing your environmental footprint:

Choose eco-friendly transportation to get there!

Consider using public transportation, carpooling, or biking to the amusement park if feasible. This helps reduce carbon emissions and traffic congestion. Plus, you won’t have to deal with parking your vehicle and paying for a parking fee. If driving is necessary, carpool with friends or family to minimize the number of vehicles on the road.

Bring reusable water bottles and/or food (if allowed)

Stay hydrated throughout the day by bringing your own reusable water bottle. Many amusement parks have water fountains or refill stations where you can replenish your bottles throughout the day. Avoid excessive packaging waste and plastic to-go containers by packing waste-free snacks and/or meals. This way you can minimize waste and have control over the quality and quantity of the food you consume!

Use electronic tickets, if able

Like certain airlines, some amusement parks allow you to get in with a virtual ticket. This is a great option if you want to save a few ticket stubs over the summer. Some larger parks (like Disney World) even have apps as well.

Say no to single use items or unnecessary souvenirs!

Refrain from using single-use items such as straws, plastic cutlery, and disposable food containers offered at concession stands. Instead, bring your own reusables or go without! When purchasing souvenirs, opt for sustainable and locally-made items made from recycled/eco-friendly materials. Avoid purchasing items that will quickly become waste or contribute to environmental harm. It might even be best to skip the souvenirs and just remember your trip with a few photos.

Participate in the amusement park’s recycling/compost programs

Check if the amusement park has recycling programs or initiatives in place. Support these efforts by actively participating and following their recycling guidelines. If the park lacks recycling infrastructure, consider providing feedback to park management about the importance of implementing these systems in the future.

how to be green at the amusement park
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Remember, being sustainable at the amusement park is about making conscious choices and adopting environmentally-friendly practices. By following these tips, you can have a fun-filled day while minimizing your impact on the planet. Encourage others to join you in sustainable actions and spread awareness about the importance of environmentally-friendly practices in all aspects of life. Will you be heading to any amusement parks this summer??

Jenna ♥

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  1. Thank you for the important reminder about sustainability at amusement parks. Making conscious choices and adopting environmentally-friendly practices can truly make a difference in minimizing our impact on the planet. I appreciate the helpful tips you’ve shared for enjoying a fun-filled day while being mindful of our environmental footprint. I’ll definitely be implementing these practices and encouraging others to do the same. As for amusement parks this summer, I’m considering it! How about you?

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